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  • 提高学生成绩的好方法:积极肯定 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:51 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Affirmations Improve Minority Student Grades It sounds too good to be true---help kids feel good about themselves, and they’ll l do better in school. But it apparently worked for African-American middle school students who engaged in a simple self-affirma...

    双语 鼓励 提高成绩 肯定

  • 富翁和富婆谁更爱花钱 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:51 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organizers posted the results of a survey showing that only a small percentage of wealthy men believed their wives spent too much. 'What?' shouted one participant. 'Those guys have to...

    消费 双语 花钱

  • 三件小事 让你的肌肤永葆青春 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:51 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    If you do only three things to improve the look and feel of your skin, make them these three, agree several of our experts: 如果只要做三件事就能改善皮肤质量,令其无论是看上去还是摸起来都更棒,那么就做以下这三件事吧,它们可是经过专家认证的。 1. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasse...

    健康 双语 美容 皮肤

  • 男人的魅力在哪里? 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:50 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    The truth is women are always attracted to guys with unique and interesting personalities. In order to be successful with women, you have to know the right kind of characteristics to display to women. In the next few minutes, you'll learn the most importa...

    双语 男人 魅力

  • 端午节的由来和风俗 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:50 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year。 The ...

    节日 双语 端午节 粽子

  • “健康”食品未必真健康 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:50 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    许多美国人以为他们现在吃的东西都算得上是健康食品。不过,我们其实很容易被自己头脑里的那些思维定势和食品生产商们的花言巧语所蒙骗。 A lot of Americans think they're eating a healthy diet these days. But it's easy to be fooled by our assumptions and the ways that food manufacturers...

    健康 双语 健康食品

  • 开口拒绝别人的八个方法 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:49 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    当别人提出什么要求的时候,答应下来去做是很容易的,但是拒绝就很难,因为总要考虑别人的面子问题,自己的面子问题,以后的关系问题等等。所以怎么样更好的拒绝别人是我们都应该学习的,今天沪江小编也和大家一起学习这八个方法。 One of the most essential skills that a freelancer can have is t...

    交流 双语 拒绝 拒绝别人

  • 少吃盐 好处多 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:49 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    早在几十年前,卫生官员就开始敦促美国人少吃点盐。 It's 2009 -- several decades after health officials began urging Americans to cut down on salt. 你知道自己每天的食盐消耗量吗? Do you know how much you're consuming? 普通美国人每天的食盐消耗量约为3,400毫克,远远高于美国膳食指南(U....

    健康 双语 食盐

  • 吃大餐为什么越吃越饿 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:49 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Every few months, a new study purports to prove that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, and that the only way to lose weight is to burn more than you take in. But veteran dieters know something that some researchers apparently don't: Certain foods seem ...

    双语 大餐 热量 饥饿

  • 为什么恋爱成功不等于婚姻成功? 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:49 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Why Dating Doesn't Predict Marital Success Scientists confirm what may seem obvious to some: what satisfies us in dating, does not predict how happy we'll be in marriage. Many of us learn, most likely the hard way, that what brings happiness during dating...

    成功 婚姻 恋爱 双语
