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  • 雅思范文参考是否应该鼓励年老员工退休 日期:2010-08-12 13:01:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    文:good4u 雅思范文仅供参考,不可背诵,更不可用于实际考试,否则可能因为雷同得到极低分数,甚至0分。 companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Nowadays, plenty o...

    范文 应该 是否 雅思 员工 参考 年老 退休 鼓励

  • 提高学生成绩的好方法:积极肯定 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:51 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Affirmations Improve Minority Student Grades It sounds too good to be true---help kids feel good about themselves, and they’ll l do better in school. But it apparently worked for African-American middle school students who engaged in a simple self-affirma...

    双语 鼓励 提高成绩 肯定

  • 给自己“打气”的十个方法 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:50 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Feeling a little blue? Here are ten fast and easy ways to smile。 感觉有些郁闷吗?以下十种方法快速简单,让你马上露出微笑。 1. Play outside外出游玩 Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you。 2. Exercise运动 When you exercise, your brain releases a c...

    鼓励 日常英语 打气 鼓励自己

  • 女人要学会鼓励自己 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:45 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    魅力篇 魅力见仁见智,拼不过姿势拼知识 Attraction various, both brain and look works。 魅力是一种韵味,魅力所代表的不仅仅是成熟,善良,爱心,美丽,智慧,还有娇媚和性感……要想成为一个有魅力的女人,首先要拥有魅力女性的心态;魅力见仁见智,拼不过姿势拼知识! 爱情篇 爱就要勇敢表白,...

    自信 女性 双语 鼓励
