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时间:2010-08-07来源:英语学习栏目:英语日记作者:英语日记 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
小学国庆节英语日记-我的国庆节日记(My Diary on National Day) (I) HAPPY SUNDAY It was Sunday. My brother and I were at the zoo. We saw birds ,horses, bears and monkeys. The monkeys were very funny. We looked at them and they looked at us. Oh! my god!

小学国庆节英语日记-我的国庆节日记(My Diary on National Day)


   It was Sunday. My brother and I were at the zoo. We saw birds ,horses, bears and monkeys. The monkeys were very funny. We looked

at them and they looked at us. Oh! my god! They looked at a big map. Do they know what were on the map? No? Yes? I don't know, but, they could study, really! We know, because we study .They study ,they can know?

(II) An Another HAPPY DAY

   Today was a fine day. My sister and I went to the park. We saw many trees and flowers near the lake. Some were green ,Some were white , some were yellow .We played near the lake .We were sitting under a big tree, and we made some paper ships. We hade a good time .

(III) Last Day of Vacation

   Today was a last vacation day. I should go to the class. I don't like this school’s classes. I don't like the chalk and monitor . I must write and read, learn and read. Was it very bad? In class ,We must understand and learn the knowledge. I don't like quiz and exercise, I like experiment. I think it was a bad day!
