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Revival of grass last words

时间:2010-04-24 02:03来源:英语作文网 作者:英语作文 投稿收藏:收藏本文
Revival of grass last words I called resurrection grass, dioecious, born in 1642, is famous padlock King plant, known to vitality, the world's most beloved treasure, in the three years of Chinese civilization, only the wind, frost, snow and rain I h

Revival of grass last words
I called resurrection grass, dioecious, born in 1642, is famous King plant, known to vitality, the world's most beloved treasure, in the three years of Chinese civilization, only the wind, frost, snow and rain I have experienced three of reincarnation, ranks third on the Generation name, I kind of family is in the third generation descendant of no successor was. In this half way to die, on the eve of leaving a bit last wish, I hope the other plants and trees such as those disciples who inherit behest, to me a lesson. If so, we do not jump to a mentor, so who worship me with all creatures, worthy of Jiangdong elders of years of cultivation, possession in his geometry, where students, where they might die, This is the law of nature. From joozone.com.
I'm gone, you do not sorrow, no tears, because death is a relief for me. Although my pre-life period  in 1000, but these three centuries, I see the world state Cang Sang, human indifference, experienced a living death in the torture, I can firmly say goodbye to you the reason. I'm gone, you will please me after cremation, burial to the northwest under the Gobi desert, the Loess as partners.
I left, walking sad sad, magnificent. Since 1840, my soul is the opium of the blood flowing, call nostrils filled with the smoke of gunpowder. Hong has been due to aspiration of my wish to tobacco leaf substitute, but as he had healed disease; fire escape in the Boxer Rebellion  in the Dead Sea, I was born there were two advantages: die, Ecstasy. Unless I am willing, if I was within 365 days, even the sun and drying will not die; unless I do not want, or I smell the smell was just less than 360 step would be dizzy, dark drowsiness. In Wumeng earth, I puzzled over it? We all have to grasp the hands of nature, precisely because I have all kinds of evil, can not make amends, today, I discredited in the face of their fellow countrymen. Recalling past actions, many lives being trampled experience, let me Huizhiwuji, only to commit suicide, to light.
I have traveled Nanshan Mount Everest, swimming in the Tanggula, visited day of mountain sides, blemish-hi-off Divine flower bed. But today, I could not support the earthquake threat, the freezing snoply days feel like years. Members flowers and trees, be sure to surmount the same disaster, to bounce back long, lots of storage water, closing the year with three to five years, so my disciples multiply around the world for the world for the benefit of the people. As the future survival, should be able to wind and sand, the ability of cold, eat ozone, can withstand high temperatures.
As teachers, I really like to have you felt sad disciples. One day you just do not get involved in the growth, doing nothing, you look at biology in primates, ah those children, born in the garbage, hypoxia, high temperature, but she also bare feet along with the adults get busy like me, a near escape, indomitable, cut up again, they can do nothing who is ? Degradation of the environment why? Unfortunately, I happen alone, alone, all my education was bad you do not listen to me. Otherwise, What kind of dust storms, we let the shackles into prehistoric Earth; What kind of dry, we let the earth survived; What kind of a typhoon, we blocked its path. You see the wisdom of those who have no children for tomorrow's resources are exhausted and worried, not knowing that  God already well paid all penalties.


