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The importance of learning a foreign language

时间:2009-12-12 06:47来源:英语作文网 作者:网友供稿 投稿收藏:收藏本文
下文为学习一门外语的重要性作文,请参考:Learning a new language is always a challenge上文看似乎很可笑或者带点黑色幽默,可是在如今信息化时代,学习一门外语已经相当重要了,下面我们joozone为大家提供一篇学习英语重要性的英语作文,方便大家参考,这样学习其他


One day, a mouse baby and his mother were walking on the road. Then suddenly there came a big CAT!  The baby mouse is so scared that he began to trumble!! The the mother mouse said loudly:" BARK! BARK!"  Hearing this the cat went away. The mother told her baby then: " Now you see the importance of learning a foreign language?"


(English is the world's most widely used language, open the computer, Internet, download, English-speaking people can be much more convenient. Only by understanding a country's language, will it be possible to understand a country's culture, can exchange with each other to provide a platform for dialogue. English has become the world's most powerful language. Mastered English means that you won a gold key, it can bring you the opportunity to increase their wealth. In fact, if a person is not learning English, Mandarin, he will not be good to go there.)

Learning a new language is always a challenge. There are new words, new sounds, and new pronunciation. But there is more to learning a language than simply being able to communicate. Language is an important part of culture, and becoming familiar with the culture as well as the language can make the learning experience much more enjoyable.
 When I was a university student, i studied Chinese for three years. Before I went to university, I had very little knowledge of China or the language. Therefore, when I started learning to speak Chinese, it was important for me to also learn about China's history and culture. This taught me much more about the characters and the history of the language. China's culture is very different from my own and by learning the culture and language,?I felt?I had a better understanding.? from joozone.com
Learning to speak a language allows you to communicate with people from a new country. This makes it important that you know something about the other country. If you have some knowledge about the society you will have a much easier time communicating with its people. Learning?a language is very complex, and it is often too difficult to focus only on the language itself. It helps to add information?from the culture and society to make the learning process easier. It will also be much more fun to learn about culture when you study a new language. Culture can teach you so many things about a language. It can give you background information about the language and?tell you the history of the language. It leads to a great overall understanding of why the language is the way it is.
Whenever I try to learn a new language, I enjoy knowing information about the culture as well. It's a challenge to dig deeper for more information, but it is very rewarding.?

