2010-08-11 01:45:17   来源:作文地带   评论:0 点击:

How To Chat Someone Up On The Train, Bus Or TubeRemember that person you saw on the tube that you thought was devastatingly attractive but didn't have the nerve to talk to? With our help, you may never have to wonder if the one that got away was actually

How To Chat Someone Up On The Train, Bus Or TubeRemember that person you saw on the tube that you thought was devastatingly attractive but didn't have the nerve to talk to? With our help, you may never have to wonder if the one that got away was actually 'The One'. Follow these easy steps and you will have the confidence to chat someone up on public transport.

You will need

a journey by public transport

someone you find attractive

nerves of steel

Step 2: Dealing with the Environment (随机应变)

Public transport is a tough environment. Nobody really wants to be there, and most people don't like any intrusion into their privacy, preferring to focus on getting to work or getting home. To chat someone up successfully on public transport you need to be quick-thinking and decisive without being aggressive. It's a difficult thing to pull off, but just remember- it might be your soul mate that is escaping... never to be seen again.

Step 3: The check out(看看对方是否只身一人)

Wow! Check them out! You've seen someone you fancy, but you must act quickly as they may be getting off at the next stop. No time to lose....but wait- are they with someone? If so, does this person look like their other half? Chatting up someone's other half is inadvisable, and may end in tears.

Step 4: Positioning(占据有利的位置)

No! They are on their own! All systems go!

Your positioning is critical. If you're waiting on a tube platform, let them get on first. You can check out where they decide to sit/stand, and position yourself in their line of sight. If they sit down, then sitting opposite is a good move. This is far better than being side by side as there is more chance of making eye contact. If the train is busy then you're likely to be standing. so get close, but not too close! If they're sitting and you're standing, try and avoid positioning your crotch in their face.

Step 5: Props(使用报纸,书籍杂志这样的小道具)

It's useful to have a newspaper, book or magazine in your hands, as it gives you something to pretend to look at, instead of awkwardly glancing around or staring off into space. If you have an mp3 player, be sure to take your headphones off, or you will look inapproachable. If you already have headphones on when you spot your target, casually take them off. If they are wearing headphones, then starting a conversation is going to be very difficult and you may want to consider Plan B, which is outlined later in the film.

Step 6: Eye contact(眼神交流)

This is the best way to tell if someone finds you physically attractive. Begin by glancing up at him/her, catching their eye and holding it for a second or two. Then look away. Thirty seconds or so later, look up again, if he or she looks back again, this is a sign that they are interested. You may wish to repeat this move before you speak up as it is easy to misread these signals. If they don't look back at you the second time the chances are they're not interested, and you proceed at your peril.


相关热词搜索:英语 技巧 10个 搭讪 别人 成功

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