My Friend Who Loves Animals 我的朋友喜欢动物
2010-04-29 21:01:50   来源:英语作文网   评论:0 点击:

我有一个好朋友,她叫宝宝。她今年11岁,她很漂亮也很友好。她住在我家隔壁。My Friend Who Loves Animals 我的朋友喜欢动物

My Friend Who Loves Animals 我的喜欢动物的朋友
 I have a good friend, whose name is Baobao. She is eleven, and she is pretty and friendly. She lives next to my door.
  Baobao loves animals very much. She has collected many photos os animals, such as pandas, dogs, manatees and so on. When we are free,she often tells me some interesting stories about animals. She says she wants to be a zoologist in the future.
  She is a wonderful girl.



【Joozone Key Words】
1、She lives next to my door.句中的next to my door指“在我家隔壁”。next to 表示“与……相邻”,“在……隔壁”。
2、When we are free, she often tells me some interesting stories about animals.句中的when we are free,表示“当我们有空的时候”,when是一个连词,引导一个时间状语从句。


相关热词搜索:朋友 动物 作文 Animals

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