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时间:2010-08-18来源:作文地带栏目:网友投稿英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Thirdly, the writer fails to convince in his argument that hearing books on audiocassette makes a child more eager to read and to learn. The author cites many studies that show value in allowing stud

Thirdly, the writer fails to convince in his argument that hearing books on audiocassette makes a child more eager to read and to learn. The author cites many studies that show value in allowing students to hear books read aloud - he or she does not state that the studies show whether that value manifests itself as better reading skills or simply better listening skills, which seems more likely than any improvement in reading ability.

Finally, the author fails to take into consideration that merely listening to books on audiocassette fails to provide the visual stimulation necessary to develop higher level reading skills. It is more likely that hearing a book on audiocassette would discourage that student from ever reading that particular book on his or her own. Elementary schools are the main developing grounds for a student's reading abilities- there is no substitute for actively learning to actually see the writing and comprehend what it is trying to say. Listening skills can be developed through means other than by hearing books on audiocassette. Reading skills are an absolutely irreplaceable and fundamental part of an elementary student's education.

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In conclusion, the writer's argument fails to address several weak areas that lead to a rejection of the overall conclusion that the school board should encourage schools to buy books on tape for use in elementary education. To strengthen the argument, direct cause and effect evidence should be set forth that shows better overall learning without any loss in the development of higher level reading skills for students.

(612 words)







在本段论述中,作者宣称小学过分强调对学生阅读能力的培养;因此,录制在盒式录音磁带上的书本内容应提供给学生,作为又一种可选择的学习方法。论述者通过援引某些研究,力图来证明自己的结论,所援引的研究表明,让学生聆听书本内容被大声朗读这一做法不无价值。论述者还提供了这样的证据,即有些学生,由于其父母亲将书本内容朗读给他们听,就较有可能成为阅读能力很强的人。该论点由于存在着某些严重的逻辑谬误而最终无法站得住脚。 首先,作者言之凿凿地、且在毫无任何佐证性证据的情况下陈述道,许多学生对"孤独的"阅读行为望而却步,接着在同一joozone.com
