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  • why lie 善意的谎言 日期:2007-11-28 02:42:58 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    A Kind Lie-善意的谎言 上星期我把妈妈给我的午饭钱丢了,我又着急又伤心。我的好朋友小梅把她仅有的10元钱给了我,并告诉我这是妈妈给的零花钱。我相信了。后来我才知道那是她从早饭中省下来想给自己买个书包的,这件事让我感动极了。 Last week I lost my lunch money...

    was her me And money me. 谎言 善意

  • 规划我的未来生活 日期:2007-11-01 00:37:35 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    我的未来(my future) I'm not sure about the future. Because I am not really sure what I'll be doing in the future. And I think the future is far away from me. I'm not really sure if I really have a chance in the future. I guess that I will be working...

    have 生活 my really 未来 规划 me. su
