当前位置:英语作文 > TAG标签 >记忆英语作文
  • 美国GRE改革:填空题选项不再是捆绑出现 日期:2011-09-29 09:50:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文


    记忆 选项 GRE考试 填空题 SECTION

  • A Memorable Experience英语作文 日期:2010-09-08 16:57:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend. Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft dust blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be wors...

    记忆 经理

  • 童年的记忆-A Memory of My Childhood英语作文 日期:2010-08-16 12:28:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    My childhood was happy with my mother's love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind. But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my ...

    童年 妈妈 mother 记忆

  • 雅思词汇记忆方法谈 日期:2010-08-12 13:01:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    一、记忆数量 雅思词汇在四六级词汇(5,500)的基础上增加1,500左右词汇。具体雅思词汇参考新东方出版的《最新雅思词汇必备》(包含4、6级词汇)等词汇书籍。 二、因时而异 半年或一年内参加雅思考试的学生: 精背四六级词汇,做到听说读写全部掌握;选背雅思词汇,做到能够迅速反应出中文意思。 三个月...

    方法 词汇 雅思 记忆

  • 我们能消除糟糕的记忆吗? 日期:2010-08-10 17:44:40 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Wiping Out Bad Memories A hot topic in neuroscience is memory. Not only increasing it, but erasing it...of the sort that Jim Carrey fools with in the movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Last week researchers from the University of Toronto publis...

    健康 双语 记忆 消除

  • Warm memories温暖的记忆 日期:2010-05-14 09:08:11 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Warm memories I stood outside, watching the neighborhood wow gold children out of their homes, happily towards the school, like the morning dew , bright flash in the mist. A few minutes ago the empty streets, suddenly becomes colorful up. Children's...

    英文 memory 记忆

  • 优习老师谈记忆单词 日期:1970-01-01 00:00:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文


    老师 记忆 单词 优习
