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My Hometown

时间:2012-04-26来源:作文地带栏目:英文素材作者:JOOZONE.COM 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
   My hometown is form Chaozhou.There is
作文地带题目:My Hometown
文章细节:JOOZONE.COM 标题:My Hometown

   My hometown is form Chaozhou.There is (are) a clear and long river and (some) marry natural parks in my hometown.There are lots of fishes and all kinds of stones in (the) river.Flowers and grass grown on both banks of it.They are  
red,yellow,green,blue and white.In these natural parks,there are (some) big and tall trees.Some trunks have holes.In the holes,little animals live in them  
.There are (some) strange stones,wild flowers in the parks.All these form a beautiful picture of nature.  
  I like my hometown ont (not) only for (the) beautiful scene,but also for the people there.They are very kind and laborious.  

My hometown is beautiful,but it is (still) poor now.I study harder now.I can make my hometown richer and more beautiful in future.    


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