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My good friend

时间:2012-08-19来源:JooZone栏目:英文素材作者:Joozone.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
英语作文作文:? I have a good friend ,his name is Tom.He is fifteen years ago and was bron in a little cit
My good friend,My good friend作文,My good friend英语作文,高一作文My good friend

文章细节:Joozone.com 发表时间:2012-08-19 12:45


I have a good friend ,his name is Tom.He is fifteen years ago and was bron in a little city of USA.He is a student study in the  No.One Middle School of Beijing now.He like singing, playing basketball, ping pang and he enjoys swimming, climbing mountains, walking the dog.He is very friendly with classmate.He is a good student,like biography,chemilstry,history,English,physics,maths and his favourite subject is computer.

So ,he is not only a good student,but also my good friend.



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