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A true story

时间:2012-04-26来源:Joozone.com栏目:英文素材作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Do you like stories?   I want to tell yo
作文地带题目:A true story
文章细节:作文地带 标题:A true story
Do you like stories?  
I want to tell you a ture story.  
It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.  
While my friend,Zhou Tong,was reading in bed,  
two thieves climbed into his kitchen.  
After they had entered the house,  
they want into the dining room.  
It was very dark,  
so they turned on a torch.  
Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them.  
‘what's up?what's up?’someone called.  
the thievies dropped the torch  
and ran away as quickly as they could.  
Zhou Tong heard the noise  
and came downstairs quickly.  
He turned on the light,  
but he couldn't see anyone.  
The thieves had already gone.  
But Zhou Tong's parrot,Henry,was still there.  
‘what's up?Zhou Tong?’he called.  
‘Nothing,Henry,’Zhou Tong said and smiled.  
‘Go back to sleep.’  

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