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时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
这原本是一个平凡的小镇,一个平凡的谷仓,平凡的人们和平凡的动物,正如影片开头的旁白所言:“There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. No astonishing thing ever ha

  这原本是一个平凡的小镇,一个平凡的谷仓,平凡的人们和平凡的动物,正如影片开头的旁白所言:“There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. No astonishing thing ever happened there. The people who lived there were just regular people. And the animals...Well, they were just plain old animals...”正是因为朋友之间的promise以及小姑娘Fern决心保护Wilbur的promise,友情创造了奇迹。这里,Charlotte’s Web向我们阐述了有关生命的意义:那就是生命是平凡的,而平凡的点滴之间却又蕴含着奇迹。
  然而,奇迹不是麻木、封闭的心可以发现的:是Wilbur与Charlotte让人们感到了自己的不平凡、小镇的不平凡、周围人和事的不平凡,人们缺少的,只是关注的心。在County Fair上,Charlotte为落败的Wilbur织出了“Humble(卑谦)”一词,再次轰动了人群,Wilbur因此得到了大会主席亲自颁发的特别奖章。连Wilbur的主人、三番五次提出要把Wilbur做成圣诞大餐的Uncle Homer也动情地表示:“A lot of you have asked me, ‘How could this have happened?’ I don’t know. But it has happened in a time when we really don’t see many miraculous things. Or maybe we do. Maybe they’re all right there around us, every day, and we just don’t know where to look.”
  是啊,生活总会在不经意之间充满惊奇,峰回路转之时,人生之路往往会豁然开朗。如果我们用心生活,肯付出辛苦、关爱与努力,还有什么是不可能的呢?这个小小的奇迹,让小镇上的人和动物都有所改变,因为他们觉得自己住在一个不寻常的地方:“Something had changed in Somerset County. It was as if people knew they lived in a special place now. And, in small ways, they started being special people, a little bit kinder, a bit more understanding. And the animals felt different, too.”所以,生活中相信奇迹吧,有爱,有朋友,一切皆有可能。
  Charlotte: I’l languishing.
  Wilbur: What does that mean?
  Charlotte: It means I’l dying.
  Wilbur: What? You can’t die!
  Charlotte: Wilbur, we’re born, we live, and, when our time comes, we die. It’s just the natural cycle of life.
  Charlotte离开了……生活,就像她所说,四季交叠,生命轮回,一切顺其自然吧。圣诞节终于到了,Wilbur如愿以偿地看到了white snow;冬去春回,大地回春,万物生长,Charlotte的孩子们也在这时破壳而出。Charlotte的生命得到了延续,应验了那句life had come full circle。在曼妙的音乐中,小蜘蛛们纷纷离开谷仓,去寻找自己的归宿。有三只小蜘蛛选择留了下来,继续留在妈妈曾经呆过的地方。生命在继续,希望在继续,友情同样也在继续……joozone.com