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时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Wilbur: But I can’t sleep now! Please, tell me who you are. I’l just really lonely. Charlotte: So I’ve seen. Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so I’ll tell you what. If you go to sleep right n

  Wilbur: But I can’t sleep now! Please, tell me who you are. I’l just really lonely.
  Charlotte: So I’ve seen. Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so I’ll tell you what. If you go to sleep right now and let me work, we can converse tomorrow.
  Wilbur: Converse?
  Charlotte: I think your word was “chat.”
  Wilbur: Oh. Great! All right. Good night. Good night. Good night.
  Charlotte: Good night.
  Wilbur: Why would anyone despise Charlotte? She made that amazing web, and she keeps bugs out of the barn.
  Templeton: Look at her. I mean, don’t you think she’s a little...What’s the word?
  Wilbur: I think she’s beautiful.
  Samuel the Sheep: I beg your pardon. She is hideous! Are we even seeing the same ruddy creature?
  Wilbur: I guess not.
  Templeton: Hopeless.
  Bitsy the Cow: What a sorry little friendship that’s going to be.
  大家眼中,Charlotte几乎就是冷酷、丑陋、冷血的代名词!连Templeton都鄙视Charlotte,但在Wilbur看来Charlotte却是美丽、神奇、勤劳的化身!正是这一份被认为是“a sorry little friendship”,打动了Charlotte,打动了大家,并最终创造了奇迹!
  Charlotte: I’l making you a promise right now. I am not going to let them kill you.
  Wilbur: You’re a spider. You’re little. They’re huge! How are you going to stop them?
  Charlotte: I have no idea. But it’s a promise, and promises are something I never break.
  为了拯救这只可爱的小猪,聪明的Charlotte在蛛网上先后织出了“Some pig”、“Terrific”、“Radiant”等字样,让人们相信这是一只special的猪。Charlotte也因此得到了谷仓所有动物的认可,成为了大家心目中的智慧女神,变成了友善、慈爱、睿智的象征。谷仓的动物们也不再心胸狭窄、斤斤计较,大家齐心协力,拯救可爱的小猪。也许观众一开始并不明白为何Charlotte会帮助小猪,直到影片快结束时Charlotte说,“You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.”原来将心比心,给与和收获是诠释友谊的最佳法宝。同时,对朋友许下的诺言,是不可亵渎的: “Once a promise is made, it needs to be kept.”小猪也为朋友做了它能做的,影片最后它希望能带产卵后奄奄一息的Charlotte回家,许诺照顾她一生一世。当它知道这不可能的时候,它向Templeton求助,愿意用自己的每一餐作交换,等Templeton吃完它才会吃。势利依旧的Templeton最终答应了Wilbur的请求,把Charlotte的宝宝们带回了家。Wilbur: I’ll carry you the rest of the way. We’ll go back to the barn, and I’ll take care of you...You’ve done so much for me!
  Charlotte: No, Wilbur. Don’t you know what you’ve already done? You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.
  Wilbur: I didn’t do anything, Charlotte. You did it all.
  Charlotte: No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what I saw. The miracle is you.
  Miracle & Life Circle
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