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Personal hygiene英语成人笑话

时间:2010-08-16来源:英语成人笑话栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:笑话 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Personalhygiene笑话 A lesbian goes for her annual physical. After the ob/gyn completes the physical he says, "You can get dressed now, your test results will be back in a few days, but stop by my office and I'll review the exam I just gave you." When the pa

Personal hygiene笑话

    A lesbian goes for her annual physical. After the ob/gyn completes the physical he says, "You can get dressed now, your test results will be back in a few days, but stop by my office and I'll review the exam I just gave you."
    When the patient gets to the office, the MD says, "Well, you seem to be in perfect health, I couldn't find a thing wrong in my exam.
    Furthermore, I'd like to compliment you on your excellent personal hygiene. I have hundreds of patients, and I can't think of a one of them who keeps her genital area so clean and fresh."
    The patient says, "Well, there's a perfectly good reason for that... you see, I have a woman in at least three times a week."

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