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回顾2008(To Look Backward To 2008)

时间:2011-09-26来源:JOOZONE.COM栏目:作者:Joozone.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
回顾2008(To Look Backward To 2008)
2008 is a year that is out of ordinary. We will never forget the frozen disaster which happened in South China, thatmore than 70,000 people died in the big earthquake in Wenchuan, and that the poisonous milk powder caused a lot of babies into disease. We can't forget the exciting days in which the torch was passed in whole China and the wonderful Beijing Olympic games either. In a word, the Chinese people have experienced a lot in 2008.

  Those days become history. Now, the people in the disaster area have been back to normal life again. The milk powder company is producing qualified products, too. All the tears and laughters are gone. But the memory will stay in our mind forever and we must learn a lot from these things.

  The new year is coming. I hope there won't be any disasers or poisonous food in the next year. Best wishes for China

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