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四川大地震英语作文 四川大地震英语报道

时间:2009-05-06来源:栏目:高考英语作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文

China urged to name quake victims  舆论敦促中国政府公布地震遇难者名单

  Nearly one year on, mourners remember victims of the earthquake

  A Chinese state newspaper has urged the government to release a full list of people killed in last year's massive earthquake in the country's southwest. 中国的一家官方报纸日前敦促政府尽快公布在去年西南地区大地震中遇难的全体人员的名单。

  The Southern Metropolitan Daily said the government's new human rights action plan demanded such a disclosure. 《南方都市报》表示,将这份名单公之于众也是政府最新发布的“国家人权行动计划”所要求的。


  It also called on officials to trust and respect volunteers collecting information on the quake, which left more 80,000 people dead or missing.

  Police recently detained an activist trying to list the child victims. 警方最近已经拘捕了一位正在调查遇难儿童名单的活动家。

  Tan Zuoren was trying to compile the list as part of an investigation into whether poor construction caused schools to collapse during the quake. 在被捕前,谭作人正在收集遇难儿童名单并调查地震中学校的倒塌是否与豆腐渣工程有关。

  Human rights groups said the detention was part of a broader crackdown in Sichuan province, ahead of the first anniversary of the disaster. 一些人权团体认为,对谭的拘捕是政府在震灾一周年前夕于四川省内开展的打击行动的一部分。

  International criticism 国际舆论的批评 joozone.com

  Beijing has yet to make victims' names public, and officials have never released a figure for the number of children who died. 北京仍然没有公开地震遇难者的姓名,有关官员也没有公布遇难儿童的人数。

  The call by the Southern Metropolitan Daily - a popular newspaper with an outspoken reputation - comes the same week China released a human rights action plan. 《南方都市报》是一家以敢言著称的广受欢迎的报纸,在它发出呼吁的同一周,中国政府刚刚发布了一份人权行动计划。

  The two-year plan promises the communist government will do more to prevent illegal detention and torture, and to protect minorities and women. 这份为期两年的计划承诺政府将进一步防止非法拘押和刑讯逼供事件的发生,并保护少数群体与妇女。

  It makes sweeping promises that journalists and bloggers will be allowed to collect information freely, in accordance with the law, and the government will be more transparent. 计划还言之凿凿地保证将允许记者和博客作者在法律许可范围内自由地收集信息,并承诺政府的行为将更加透明。

  Beijing's plan follows international criticism of its rights record. 此前国际舆论对中国的人权纪录作出了批评,北京随后发布了这一计划。

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