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大学捐款 Donating Money on Campus

时间:2011-03-30来源:Joozone.Com栏目:Essay作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
大学英语作文:捐款 Donating Money on Campus 1. 如今校园里经常会出现大学生捐款的现象(为同学或者别人) 2. 你怎么看待这种现象?

大学英语作文:捐款 Donating Money on Campus

  1. 如今校园里经常会出现大学生捐款的现象(为同学或者别人)

  2. 你怎么看待这种现象?


  Recently many university students launch spontaneous donations for helping classmates suffering from serious illnesses or victims in disasters. Along with the behavior of donating, the donation amount has become a controversial topic. Some even hold the opinion that the amount is a standard for measuring love. The more amounts are donated, the more help the needed can get.

  I support that donation for the needed is a kind of behavior which shows kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion, benefiting in improving interpersonal relationship and building up a harmonious society. What matters a lot is not how much money is donated, but the care and support hidden behind.

  All in all, the behavior of donation itself should be encouraged, but it shouldn’t become a competition. The money donated cannot be equated with the love and the meaning hidden. Every penny is an expression of love.



  第一段中launch spontaneous donations表示“发起自发捐款”,后面for 接的是捐款救助的对象;第二段中improving interpersonal relationship表示“改善人际关系”,building up a harmonious society表示“创建和谐社会”;第三段中的cannot be equated with表示“与……相提并论”。

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