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通过作者的描述,我们了解了你的哥哥Jack是一个什么样的男孩。本文语言生动流畅。下次请注意so前后的标点符号。作者用了“The early bird catches the worm”这个习语,是本文的亮点!值得推荐。继续努力,加油!

My brother
There is a boy.He is very clever.He has big eyes,a small nose and a round face.He isn’t tall,but he is very cute.This boy is my brother.His English name is Jack.
Jack is a student of nine years old.At school, his teachers and classmates are very friendly to him. So he is very happy.He likes playing games very much,so he often plays games with his friends in his free time.He thinks it’s very interesting.He also likes playing soccer.
Why do we usually see him doing his math homework? Because math is his favorite subject.
Jack usually gets up at six o’clock.Then he runs on the road around my home. The early bird catches the worm.So he is very strong.I love my brother—the cute boy very much.


通过作者的描述,我们了解了你的哥哥Jack是一个什么样的男孩。本文语言生动流畅。下次请注意so前后的标点符号。作者用了“The early bird catches the worm”这个习语,是本文的亮点!值得推荐。继续努力,加油!

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