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时间:2010-04-24来源:英语作文网栏目:英语六级作文作者:原创英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文


Dark clouds had been gathering over the economy for most of the year, but by Saturday September 13, a storm seemed to break. Suddenly, we learned that Lehman Brothers, one of the pillars of American investment banking, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Its survival depended on being bought by Bank of America, but BA bought Merrill Lynch instead, and Lehman went pffft. Simultaneously, insurance giant AIG announced it was in so much trouble (over underwriting the bad decisions of big banks) that it needed to be bailed out. And suddenly years of stupidly easy mortgages came back and broke the banks that issued them. Now, the dole queue was forming and first in line for the bailout were those we assumed knew all about making money. The bad times had begun, and you could feel them in the value of your home, your 401k, your job, the endowment at your kids' schools, your credit cards — and, of course, in the auto industry, in construction, in retail and all over the economy. Saturday September 13 marked the beginning of a deluge of depressing news to put a damper on the Holidays.
By the time the networks announced it, Barack Obama's electoral college-landslide presidential victory was as inevitable as it had once seemed impossible. The election of the first black President of the United States of America had been an epic journey, not only by virtue of the racial barriers it smashed but also by dint of the campaign ingenuity and inventiveness that marked a generational shift in American politics. At the center of the drama was Obama himself, heroic but self-possessed, outdistancing formidable rivals, always the smartest and most charismatic figure in the room. It remains to be seen, of course, whether all the ecstatic political soteriology of his campaign can overcome the economic apocalypse Obama will inherit, along with a vexing list of adjunct crises from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the dysfunction in American education and health care. But for a moment, on November 4, Americans across the board were invited to renew their faith in the true magic of their country's story.
New York, London, Madrid and now, to the great cosmopolitan cities tortured in the name of religion over the past decade, add Mumbai. For three days, India's financial center and movie capital, a metropolis of 12 million, was held hostage by what officials insist was a band of 10 armed men — a figure Mumbaikars found impossible to believe. The poshest hotels and some of the most prominent watering holes for tourists and the rich became charnel houses in massacres that threatened to undermine India's astonishing economic growth. Local politicians and security officials pointed fingers at neighbor and nemesis Pakistan, being inclined to overlook the fact that assaults on Indian cities earlier in the year may have been perpetrated by members of India's own huge, much put-upon Muslim minority. (Nov. 26-29)作文地带-英语作文网
