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时间:2010-08-09来源:中学英语学习栏目:中学英语作者:英语学习频道 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
210.Honour to whom honour is due. 榮譽歸於應得榮譽的人。 211.Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 希望遲遲未實現,使人心煩意撩亂。 212.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 作最好的希望,作最

210.Honour to whom honour is due. 榮譽歸於應得榮譽的人。
211.Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 希望遲遲未實現,使人心煩意撩亂。
212.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 作最好的希望,作最壞的打算。
213.Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 希望是美味的早點,但又是難嚥的晚餐。
214.Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 希望是清醒者的夢想。
215.Hope is life and life is hope. 希望才有人生,人生要有希望。
216.Hope often deludes the foolish man. 希望常欺愚笨漢。
217.Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). 希望會產生,永遠無窮盡。
218.How shall I do to love? Believe. How shall I do to believe? Love. 怎樣對待愛情?要相信。怎樣才能相信?要有愛情。 /
219.Human pride is human weakness. 驕傲是人類的弱點。
220.Humility is the foundation of all virtue. 謙遜是一切美德的基礎。
221.Humility often gains more than pride. 謙遜往往比驕傲受益更多。
222.Hunger breaks stone wall. 飢餓不饒人。
223.Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods. 飢餓引狼出森林。
224.Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. 飢不擇食。
225.Hunger is the best sauce. 饑者口中盡佳餚。
226.Hunger knows no friend. 饑難周友。
227.Hunger will relish the plainest fare. 飢不擇食。
228.Hungry belies have no ears. 饑寒起盜心。
229.Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 飢不擇食.joozone.com