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时间:2010-04-09来源:英语作文网栏目:中考英语作文作者:网友供稿 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Plants need water, animals need water, people can not do without water. To know that there is no water, no life exists, and let action! To face the reality and cherish all the precious water resources水是生命之源英语作文

You know, we live in the vast universe, Earth is a beautiful and transparent blue water polo.

On Earth, the water area accounting for 70% of the Earth's surface. Although the earth has an abundance of water resources, but the real distribution of potable water resources is uneven, has very low utilization, plus a variety of life on Earth's demand for water is high, which caused a serious lack of freshwater resources. Despite this, people are still blind to waste, do not understand the importance of which, you think, if this waste continues, the fresh water on Earth is that we run out sooner or later, if the earth is no water, no clean water, then This is how terribly ah! Serious water shortage is a worldwide catastrophe, in order to make up for the severe shortage of surface water, people are paying attention to the deep water deep underground. However, people's long-term exploitation of these deep water is less and less, or no.

Now, we only conserve water, protect water resources in order to alleviate the current difficult situation of water supply on Earth. From joozone.com.

Water is the cradle of life; water is growing all the milk. Vast ocean, a torrent, calm lakes, streams trickling water ... ... the beautiful ring constitutes the source of all growth.

Plants need water, animals need water, people can not do without water. To know that there is no water, no life exists, and let action! To face the reality and cherish all the precious water resources. 水是生命之源英语作文由作文地带转载自网络。
