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时间:2010-08-10来源:看英语栏目:语言文化作者:英文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
This week I got some really sad news, my friend's wife died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell. This made me remember how my mother reacted to the news of someone's death. S

  This week I got some really sad news, my friend's wife died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell. This made me remember how my mother reacted to the news of someone's death. She'd always say, "That's why you have to live for today." That's a great sentiment but how often do we any of us live into that idea? I'd say, not often enough.

  这一周,我接到了一个十分令人悲伤的消息,我朋友的妻子由于脑血管瘤突然死亡。前些天她还在这里,充满活力,眨眼间就物事人非。这让我回忆起我母亲对死亡消息的反应。她总是说:“所以啊,我们得活在当下。” 这是肺腑之言,但是人们会在现实中做到吗? 我说大家做得很不够。

  News of a accident, sudden illness or death gives us momentary pause when they don't impact us directly. We do a quick inventory of our lives and vow to do better but rather quickly we're back in our regular routines. But when the issues strike closer, lives can be forever altered---impacting how we live, breathe and act. In addition, to shock, anger and grief there's also self-examination (sometimes extreme self-examination). But turning those findings into actionable ideas may take more energy than you've got in such a challenging time.


  So how does one live for today?

  We start by not waiting for something bad to happen to spur us into action. And we commit to this as part of our daily lives. Here are four questions that can start you on your way:


  Do I know what really matters to me?

  Do I know what brings me joy?

  Are there things in my life that need to go to make room for what's important?

  What am I waiting for?

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