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时间:2010-08-14来源:作文地带栏目:语言文化作者:妙语如珠 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
We express our emotions not only verbally but also through non-verbal channels, and one of the main non-verbal channels is facial expression. Are you a good judge of facial expressions? 脸部表情会说话吗?我们脸部都会有哪些表情?下图列举出7种面部的基本表情: neutral happy surpris

  We express our emotions not only verbally but also through non-verbal channels, and one of the main non-verbal channels is facial expression. Are you a good judge of facial expressions?


neutral happy surprised afraid angry disgusted sad

  虽然一张脸可以展现出比这7种表情多得多的样子,但是现实生活中,人们常常通过掩饰自己的表情来掩盖自己的情绪。People can put on different facial expressions to hide their true feelings. 通常,men are expected to control their emotions while women are expected to express their emotions more freely. Men begin to learn to control their emotions when they are children. “男儿有泪不轻弹”的观念早就在男孩子们的思想中扎根了。

  男人较女人倾向于控制情绪,日本人较美国人倾向于控制情绪。Displaying anger is much less acceptable among the Japanese than among Americans. There is greater emphasis on restraining the expression of emotions in Japanese culture, and people tend to control their feelings, especially negative ones. 控制自己的情绪,尤其是负面的情绪,已经成为日本文化的一个组成部分。Since the Japanese frown on the open expression of some emotions, people from the societies which are less restrained may find them rather inscrutable when dealing with them at first. 所以,和日本人交往不如和欧美人来得轻松,因为前者不喜形于色,他们的真实想法令人很难捉摸。

  除了日本人,另一种人的面部表情也是让人猜不透的,那就是扑克牌高手。Good poker players need to avoid giving their opponents any clue about how good the cards they hold are. Their faces keep the same expression all the time, so 'poker-faced' has come to mean a person with a face that betrays no emotions. 用“扑克脸”来描述扑克牌玩家,是不是很有意思?


