2010-08-07 13:16:39   来源:少儿英语学习   评论:0 点击:

Hi!I'm Zack. I'm 4 1/2 years old and I live in Alaska. My dad is a wildlife biologist. We have a moose1 shed in our backyard where we keep baby moose that get separated from their moms. We feed them evaporated milk2 mixed with formula3. We also give them
Hi!I'm Zack. I'm 4 1/2 years old and I live in Alaska. My dad is a wildlife biologist.
  We have a moose1 shed in our backyard where we keep baby moose that get separated from their moms. We feed them evaporated milk2 mixed with formula3. We also give them fresh water and willow4 and birch5 branches to nibble6 on in their pen. We keep them and care for them until a zoo or research center can give them a home.
  Remember, you should not pick up a baby moose or other baby animal, because the mom could be nearby eating, and she might get mad!Mother moose are as big as a horse and can be dangerous when they are protecting their babies. If you see a baby animal without a mom or dad, leave it alone. Call someone like my dad to help you figure out what to do.
  1. moose n. [动]麋,骆驼
  2. evaporated milk 淡炼乳
  3. formula n. 配制成的婴儿喂养奶(牛 奶、水、糖的混合物)
  4. willow n. 柳,柳树,柳木
  5. birch n. 桦条,桦条束
  6. nibble vt. 啃,一点一点地咬(或吃)

相关热词搜索:为邻 自然 演讲 英语 儿童

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