Tofu ledger “豆腐账”
2010-08-11 01:45:39   来源:看英语   评论:0 点击:

The term, tofu ledger, was originally used to describe account books made by tofu sellers where each sale is clearly recorded and all the costs and profits are counted at the end of each month. But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal expenditur

   The term, tofu ledger, was originally used to describe account books made by tofu sellers where each sale is clearly recorded and all the costs and profits are counted at the end of each month. But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal expenditure. Many white-collar workers today love to jot down and share their everyday spending record on the Internet.


  For example:

  Jenny posted her tofu ledger for the Labor Day holiday, you just cannot imagine what she has bought.



  与tofu这个单词有关的词组还有tofu girl,是对胖胖的女孩子的一种委婉的称呼;另外,tofu friend可以表示那种唯唯诺诺、朋友做什么他就做什么的人。

相关热词搜索:豆腐账 ledger Tofu


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