2010-08-14 20:09:00   来源:英语作文网   评论:0 点击:

题目:Self introduction(自我介绍) 广州市某小学,吴同学 My name is Lynn. I am a junior high school student. I am fifteen years old. My father is open-minded and my mother is smart. So am I. My brother is cute. I have a warm family. I go to school five days a week. But I li

题目:Self introduction(自我介绍)

My name is Lynn. I am a junior high school student. I am fifteen years old. My father is open-minded and my mother is smart. So am I. My brother is cute. I have a warm family. I go to school five days a week. But I like to study. My favorite sport is swimming. I like the ocean and collecting sea-shells at the seashore. I want to be an English teacher just like my cousin. This is all about me.


Hello!My name is Jingjing.I am a pupil.I like English very much.I go to school five days every week.Every day I go to school by car.Because my school is not near my home.I like my school.There are about 2000 students and 44 teachers in my school.And I study Grade 6.There are 62 students in my class.My English teacher is short .I love her very much. Welcome to my school.You must be very happy.

相关热词搜索:范文 优秀 自我介绍

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