我最喜爱的季节My Favourite Season
2010-08-14 20:09:00   来源:英语作文网   评论:0 点击:

There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring.Spring is colorful.The sun is red,the sky is blue,the clouds are snow-white,and the trees become green. In spring ,there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back from the south and sing happ

There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring.Spring is colorful.The sun is red,the sky is blue,the clouds are snow-white,and the trees become green.

In spring ,there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back from the south and sing  happily all day.Every-thing comes back to life again.
Look, the mountain becomes green,the water becomes green,the children are flying kites happily!What a beautiful season!

【英语示范作文大全点评】小作者生动细致地描绘了自己所喜爱的季节--春季,春季的太阳、天空、白云、。。。总之,春天的一切都是那样的可爱、美好!“Everything comes back to life"(万物复苏)"what a beautiful season"(多美好的季节)这些佳句值得细细品味哟!

相关热词搜索:Favourite Season My 季节 喜爱 我最

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