



  After the last monthly exam, I was looking forward to the summer vacation, and I had already arranged my summer vacation life in front of my desk.

  First of all, my English, because the last monthly "English" exam only got 53 points, my mother said she failed but didn't scold me. When I want to compare with others, I'm really disgraced. Therefore, during the summer vacation, I have to cheer for myself, listening to English tapes and reciting words every day. Every sentence that my father said can be familiar and catchy. After working hard, I will present the harvest of "English" to my parents, so that they can share the sweet joy with me.

  "Short white gourd" every time I hear this harsh voice, I get angry; I wish I was "luff", then I aimed at the target with "rubber rocket" and hit my second sister to the side of the endless sky with one punch, which made me calm down! no way out! I'm really the shortest in the class, and my second sister is my relative, so I can't fight back. This summer vacation, make up one's mind, I want to grow tall. I jump rope 500 times a day, eat cheese, drink milk, swallow calcium tablets, and go to bed at ten o'clock. I hope the fairy hears my wish and gently casts magic on me with magic wand every night, which makes my height change miraculously.

  In addition to these two important things, I will finish reading the biographies of great men published in the bookstore in the rest of the time to learn the spirit of perseverance and hard work of great people; I would also like to invite my parents to take me to see some good movies released during the summer vacation; On holidays, swimming pools and bathing beaches soak up water to drive away the summer heat. Of course, the most important thing is to finish the summer homework.

  Dad said: "growth only once, the taste of growth is a long wait, in the day by day waiting, we must constantly enrich ourselves, in order to get sweet and rich fruit." I think it makes sense that this year's summer vacation life, as long as I follow my summer vacation plan, will be colorful.


  After the cruel final exam, we had a happy summer vacation.

  Although the book has its own golden house, in order to dream, I have to study hard, but I also lost a lot of happiness, so I have some regrets.

  It's a holiday. I'm in charge of everything! Be sure to enjoy it! Passion as hot as the heat, hot!

  I can also hold up my favorite novel, hungry, moved, excited, amused by the plot of the story... I admire the author's wisdom: writing all kinds of life, the good and evil of human nature, the philosophy of life, the meaning of life. The emotion is so rich, the story is so lifelike, the view is like being on the scene, wonderful!

  I've heard that Jay's movie "first character D" will be released in the summer vacation. How can I miss this great opportunity? Of course, I'll rush to buy it for the first time, and then enjoy the cool drift of my idol and his romantic and regretful love "accompany" him to spend a colorful summer vacation. Cool!

  Holiday, of course, there is no need to get together with friends who have been away for a long time! As the saying goes: Farewell three days, it should be a new look. Sure enough, it's true. Look, everyone has become tall and powerful, handsome and unrestrained. The "rude men" who used to be extravagant have now become elegant gentlemen. Maybe it's the environment. What's more, the rapid development of their skills is even more surprising. These kids, it's not easy!

  Everything in the world is changing, only our friendship will never change! Tianya and Haijiao, today or in the future, space and time can only shorten the distance between our hearts!

  Industry is better than diligence, but less than play. Have fun and learn well. The perfect combination of learning and playing, not like the school that boring learning, but the beginning of learning, how good it feels! There is no constraint, but there is still constant pressure: sophomore, is the college entrance examination far away? Pressure is the driving force, play crazy and not indulgent.

  The cicada also went to sleep, quietly. Busy, enjoy the quiet summer, the charming summer night, enjoy every happy day. Even God is proud of me, accompany me to spend a perfect summer vacation, happy summer vacation.

  My summer vacation is full and happy! Life is ordinary and beautiful!


  In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is coming to an end, and the new semester is about to begin. In the summer vacation, I have many unforgettable things, the most impressive one is the day when I visited Honghe wetland.

  On that day, I received the notice from the school to participate in the red lotus wetland summer camp organized by the school. I jumped three feet high with excitement and quickly gathered my things at the school. When we came to school, we got on the bus and set out. The car is driving on the broad asphalt road. The sun is shining outside the car. There are talking and laughing inside the car. The students are very excited... Something happened in the summer vacation

  I arrived at my destination unconsciously. " Ah, how beautiful it is I'm amazed. Just walked into the gate, we can't wait to look to the lake, wow! At present

  The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, just like an elegant lotus painting. The lotus leaves on the lake are emerald green, dark green, different colors, smooth and glossy. Some of them are floating on the water, some are high out of the water, and some are rolling. Then look at the cover of the lotus leaves, revealing the lotus flowers, some as pure as jade, some as pink as rosy clouds. White seems to be flawless snow, and then look at the powder, like a red face reflected by the sunset in the sky.

  We followed the announcer to the aquatic botanical garden, where there are many varieties of lotus. What about "Chang'e flying to the moon", "Peony" and "water lily" growing close to the water. The announcer also said that although the water lily is a lotus, it only blooms and does not bear lotus roots. Along the winding Boulevard, we came to a large ferry. On the top of the boat, we ate lotus seeds and watched the beautiful scenery on the lake. When the boat passed by, the lake water clattered, as if to say: "welcome to visit here!" Looking at this scene reminds me of a poem written by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "the lotus leaves in the sky are boundless blue, and the lotus flowers are so red..."

  Time flies. It's getting late unconsciously. It's time for us to go back to school, but the beautiful scenery here makes us nostalgic.

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/84134.html

