

【#英语资源# 摘要】正月是农历的元月,古人称“夜”为“宵”,正月十五是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。根据道教“三元”的说法,正月十五又称为“上元节”。以下是:作文地带为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Our motherland has many traditional festivals, but my favorite is the Lantern Festival!

  I spent this year's Lantern Festival at my grandmother's house. There is a custom in my grandmother's house, that is, to wrap dumplings by myself, so that the family will get together! After listening to it, I was particularly interested and wanted to try it myself.

  Before seven o'clock in the morning, I gave up my warm quilt and got up. I quickly put on my clothes and pestered my grandmother to teach me how to wrap dumplings. My grandmother couldn't beat me and had to teach me.

  Grandma prepared sesame stuffing and dough in advance. I saw the dough turning in grandma's hand. It was so cute! I quickly grabbed the dough from my grandmother's hand and looked like my grandmother. First, I grabbed a handful from the dough, flattened it, then wrapped it in sesame seeds, and finally squeezed it gently with my hand. Ah, a dumpling was born! Well done, round and round, like a general with a big belly. It's very cute! So I wrapped several more and let Grandma go.

  In the morning, I ate my own dumplings and felt that they were sweeter and more delicious than usual, because it was the result of my own work!

  I like this lantern festival, because it makes me learn a skill!


  The Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month is a traditional festival in China. At this time of year, the streets are bustling.

  The drum team on Qingping street was deafening, and the people carrying the sedan chair twisted to make people laugh. It was not easy to squeeze into East Street. Just at the intersection, I saw a sea of people on the road. The whole road has become a sidewalk. I can't see the end of the flow of people at a glance. On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of goods. The sound of Hawking one after another attracts people's attention. There are all kinds of toys. My father held my hand for fear that I might lose it. Walking on, I heard a song from nowhere: you are my little apple. Take a closer look, it turned out that it was a wedding company doing publicity. I also got my wish and asked my father to buy me some small gifts I like. My heart sounded like a drum. I reluctantly went home with my father.

  The Lantern Festival is over on the 15th day of the first month, and the Spring Festival is coming to an end. Our new semester is about to begin. The plan of the year is in spring and the plan of the day is in the morning. I will study hard and make greater achievements in the New Year!


  The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. Every year, we eat the Lantern Festival and set off fireworks.

  My mother cooked the Lantern Festival. I couldn't wait to pick one up and put it in my mouth. My mother shouted, "be careful, don't burn it." Take a bite and the stuffing flows out slowly, sticky. Sweet tastes great!

  Lantern Festival is not without lanterns. After the Lantern Festival, my father and I came to Yangtou square. There are so many lanterns here! There are "running" tigers. "Grass eating" rabbit. And fish swimming. What a variety! Have become a sea of lights. The world of light! Father bought me a rabbit lantern. Just press the button. The rabbit will sing a happy song. I quickly picked up my tiger lamp and joined the parade of lanterns. Then my father and I went to set off fireworks.

  It's fun to set off fireworks. There are so many kinds of fireworks! Some of them were throwing guns, and everyone was watching vigorously. Suddenly, a naughty child threw guns, and everyone was scared to hide everywhere; I followed my father to set off a salute. It spewed flames into the sky and exploded with a "pa" sound, releasing colorful flowers.

  The Lantern Festival is so interesting!


  The Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month is a traditional festival in China. On this day, people support the old and the young and go to watch the lanterns in high spirits.

  After dinner, our family went to the Confucius Temple to watch the lights! "Wow, it's a sea of people. The flow of people is like a tide! There are so many lights!" When I saw so many lights, I yelled, "there are rabbit lights, lotus lights, snake lights, tiger lights, frog lights, monkey lights... What a sea of lights." My mother also began to light the lamp. When my mother and I were watching the lamp, my father pointed to a dragon lamp and said, "look!" I looked up, startled and said, "how big!"

  I couldn't wait to take out my camera and "click" to take a picture of the "dragon". The dragon lantern is so majestic. Its beard is still moving! It seems to fly in the sky. Its appearance reminds me of an idiom, that is "flying in the clouds!" My mother likes a carp lamp, and I like it too. Look, it has a round belly and a red fish body, with the idiom "more than every year" written on it.

  After buying a carp lamp, we reluctantly went home. On the way home, I sighed: "the lamp here is really unforgettable!"


  On the evening of the Lantern Festival, a "fireworks party" was held in Jiangbin park. In the evening, my heart pounded with excitement. Finally, night came. My mother and I came to Yuemei park to watch fireworks. It's already crowded there.

  We stood there and waited anxiously. On the Zhongshan Bridge in Jiangbin Park, a red spark quickly "flew" across the bridge and began! The fireworks exploded with a few bangs. WOW! Fireworks of various colors "fly" to the sky. The colors change from time to time. I think purple is the most beautiful. Some of them went up to the moon and exploded. It's really worrying that they will blow up the moon. In fact, the moon is far away from us. Some fireworks are like a flower just opening, with six or seven petals; Some are full of green "little stars", which fall slowly like parachutes; Some of them spewed fireworks on the water, which surprised us very much; I applaud loudly every time, except for the shape of the earth.

  Time passed by minute by minute. I was very happy when the fireworks were finished. The fireworks were big and beautiful. It was so beautiful.

  Although the Lantern Festival has passed, the fireworks of that night appear in my mind from time to time.


  Today is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation - the Lantern Festival! When I got up early in the morning, I looked forward to the time passing quickly, because there were fireworks to celebrate the Lantern Festival in the street square in the evening.

  Night finally fell. The moon sister came to the sky with star babies in her Tulle shawl. Originally, they also came to see fireworks. The square was full of people in twos and threes. I managed to squeeze into a good place to see fireworks.

  At this time, three flares of red, yellow and blue appeared in the sky. I was very excited. As the fireworks were about to begin, a purple fireworks rushed into the sky. Then, many colorful fireworks flew into the sky. It is very beautiful, some like blooming flowers, some like an open umbrella; Some are like strings of rain; Others are lit like small lanterns. Look! A great waterfall falls from the sky. It really flows down 3000 feet. It is suspected that it is the momentum of the Milky way falling for nine days. Colorful fireworks make the sky strange and beautiful. Suddenly, another big gift flower flew into the sky with a thump. This gift flower is different from others. There are several red lanterns in it, which gradually fall into the sky. It's really strange. Finally, the small fireworks also began to set off, with different colors. It was difficult to tell whether it was a star or a fireworks.

  The launch of several fireworks announced the end of this activity. It seems that I still aftertaste the colorful fireworks.


  Whenever it comes to the Lantern Festival, we will happily go to the shop to buy lanterns and candles. In the evening, the family will sit together and have a reunion dinner. The custom of this day is no different from that of the Chinese new year, except that there are "welcoming lanterns" on the night of the Lantern Festival, but not during the Chinese New Year. When having a reunion dinner on the evening of the Lantern Festival, the table is full of rich delicacies. It's really everything!

  After the reunion dinner, people will go out with colorful lanterns and "welcome lanterns" outside. Especially for some children, they like to wander around and go to places with more people and less street lights to "welcome flower lanterns". Because in a darker place, "welcome the lantern", the lantern will appear more bright and more glorious. Of course, our family also went out to "welcome the lanterns", and then came here and there. Although it hurts to keep walking around, we are still very happy.

  In the evening, countless Kongming lamps rose in the sky, dotted with Kongming lamps to make the black night sky more beautiful. The people who put Kongming lanterns wrote their wishes on Kongming lanterns and then let them fly. It is said that after the wish is written on it and released, the wish will come true.

  My favorite festival is the Lantern Festival. Do you also like the Lantern Festival?


  On the night before the Lantern Festival, everyone will buy the Lantern Festival, some of which are quick-frozen or hand-made. Wait until the morning of the Lantern Festival. On the day of the Lantern Festival, adults get up in the morning to cook the Lantern Festival, and children wake up early in the morning greedy for the soft, waxy and sweet dumplings. Then, adults and children sat at the table and ate delicious Yuanxiao together. Generally, children eat six, and younger children eat two. Adults eat eight. It means "hair" and "good things in pairs". On this day, in our family, lantern festival became the staple food of three meals a day.

  Xingtai Tianyi city and Beiguo mall all have lanterns, but they are all small lamps. There are dozens of large lamps higher than people and dozens of small lamps in front of Xingtai stadium. There is a sea of people. Children and adults went to see the lights together. After watching them for a while, the child disappeared. It turns out that children buy all kinds of snacks, such as fried chicken fillet, stinky tofu, baked cold noodles... And children buy small toys: toys and remote-controlled cars. Adults guess riddles and enjoy lanterns.

  When the children come back, adults and children light and fly Kongming lanterns together, and then make sincere wishes together. Moral: let the gods bless peace and make dreams come true. Therefore, Kongming lamp is also known as "blessing lamp" or "peace lamp".

  The scene of hundreds of Kongming lights flying in the sky is incomparably spectacular, like the brightest stars in the sky, and finally become a vast sea of stars.


  On the evening of the 14th day of the first month, the county held a fireworks party on the playground of the sports school.

  After dinner on the Lantern Festival, my father and I went to see the fireworks party. Walking on the road, people in groups, talking and laughing, rushed to the sports school playground one after another. When I arrived at the sports school, there was already a sea of people, and the wide playground was surrounded by water. I managed to squeeze to the front. People were anxiously waiting and looking forward to

  Only a few loud sounds of "bang, bang" started the fireworks party. I looked up, and several "fire dragons" flew into the sky one after another. In a moment, fireworks in various forms were blooming, purple, red, green... Colorful. Some are like chrysanthemums, peonies, willows by the river, clouds in the air and silver snakes in the water. They are very beautiful. To the north of the playground, streams of "fountains" rose from the ground and merged into a golden "hill".

  To the south of the playground, the waterfall poured down from a height of tens of meters, with streamer and color. Look at the beautiful scenery in front of you. What's more interesting is the eight "wind and fire wheels", which spray flames and rotate rapidly after lighting. It's really like the magical "wind and fire wheels" of little Nezha to congratulate people on the festival.

  Fireworks in the air are ever-changing; The adults and children on the ground cheered. In the night of lightning and thunder and fireworks in full bloom, I spent a happy and unforgettable Lantern Festival.


  Every year on the Lantern Festival, my mother will buy me a rabbit lamp, but the Lantern Festival in my senior class that year is unforgettable to me. "The moon is bright tonight and people are looking..." the moon on the fifteenth day of the first month is big and round, like a jade plate. All of our children are "walking" with our beloved lights in Fengzhen park.

  Fengzhen park is really lively, with lights and decorations everywhere. There are riddles on the small lanterns with strange shapes. Some people are watching the lights and others are guessing riddles

  Our lights have their own characteristics and attract many tourists. I pulled the red peach lamp. As long as I gently pulled it, it will slowly turn on. Suddenly, a monkey king flying in the clouds from inside. The tourists kept clapping and cheering.

  He pulled the light happily. We ran side by side, chased each other, and chased each other. Among all the lights, the most is the rabbit lamp, because it is kind and lovely, which brings happiness and peace to our festival.

  We Chinese famous people have many traditional festivals with famous ethnic characteristics. I like Chinese festivals.

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/118671.html

