

【#英语资源# 摘要】新年除夕万象新,岁月无情人有情。策马扬鞭腾万里,快意回首乐一生。祝大家新年新喜新气象,满城尽带大祥瑞®作文地带整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  New Year's Eve, is the day to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, is the day of a family reunion, everywhere permeated with a lively atmosphere.

  In the evening, our family sat around the big round table eating delicious food, happy to talk. Suddenly, my sister's firecrackers rang up, suddenly the sky colorful, I can't wait to run out to see, I saw the fireworks sometimes like Tiannu scattered flowers, sometimes like a rocket launch, sometimes like glittering gold fell down...

  "Ru Ru, quick to eat dumplings, see the Spring Festival gala." When I heard my mother's voice, I went to eat. Spring Festival Gala began, the program is really wonderful, there are magic, singing and dancing, skits...

  I fell asleep before I knew it.


  On New Year's Eve, at eight o 'clock, we turned on the TV, a look at the Spring Festival Gala just began, the party has just opened, grandma let us make dumplings. Grandma stuffing mix the turnip and leek, and also put the flour the strip, then cut lengthwise into piece by piece, and mom put pieces of the plane into a round piece of reoccupy hand press into flat pass me, I'll use a rolling pin to flat surface piece of rolling into the wrappers to dad, dad to put on filling in the skin, package has become a beautiful dumpling.

  Dumplings wrapped, we watched TV together. As long as it was a song and dance program, I danced on the sofa. As long as it is a sketch program, mom and dad are laughing their heads off. Twelve o 'clock sound, firecrackers outside the ring into a TV singing constantly.

  What a lively New Year's Eve!


  New Year's Eve, is New Year's Eve! There was a flurry of activity. My parents and I happily went to buy red lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, and fish pendants, and a pair of golden humen stickers.

  Why buy a fish pendant? This is because every year, "yu" and "fish" are homonyms, a lucky picture.

  We moved to the ladder affixed with Spring Festival couplets, hung lanterns, and posted the word "fu" on the door, but also hung up the pair of red fish.

  In the evening, MY father, mother, grandpa, grandma and aunt a family, go to the Five Continents hotel to eat the reunion dinner. A: wow! There was already a sea of people inside, bustling. They drank and wished each other well.

  At eight o 'clock, my parents and I sat in front of the TV on time to watch the Spring Festival party. I like comic comedy best. It was hilarious! I laughed my head off.

  New Year's Eve is a wonderful day!


  The New Year's Eve I had been looking forward to finally arrived. My mother and I went out to play, saw a Lantern Festival on the street, people mountain people sea, like the surging sea. The new streets and alleys, colorful neon lights, elegant buildings, colorful TV towers, majestic overpasses, give the whole Xi 'an added a grand and magnifying modern momentum.

  In the community, every household is affixed with Spring Festival couplets, the door crack came the tangy fragrance; The door opened, home bright, put on the new clothes of the children came out, holding all kinds of firecrackers. "Aren't they afraid to blow their hands up?" "Don't be afraid. They have a stick of incense in their hand." I saw them with incense far lit firecrackers, crackling sound suddenly rang in the yard, the children do not mention how happy! Seeing such scenery, I feel the taste of New Year's Eve, also reminds me of a legend -- a legend about "Nian".

  According to legend, there is a monster called "year", it is every New Year's eve all want to come out to steal to eat people's cattle, so every New Year's eve, people mention heart bravery, but didn't find a good way, one day, a strange old man said he could take "year", people in the village are not letter, in the evening, a terrible "year", the old man of the house of the neighborhood of bright bright, Firecrackers crackled in front of the door. Seeing this, Nian turned and ran away. Later, this method spread everywhere, therefore, every day, we have to make the room bright, but also set off firecrackers, and the day as New Year's Eve.

  Happy New Year, I love New Year's Eve!


  As night fell, the moon rose. The earth enveloped in darkness, a few small stars jumped out of the dark sky, they are like naughty children, blinking blinking eyes, cheerfully watching the lively scene of family reunion. Tonight is New Year's Eve, every family decorated, brilliant lights. Streets, firecrackers sound.

  In the evening, my family sat around the table and ate. Mom and Dad are still busy in the kitchen. The rest of us sat around talking and laughing. In a short time, a delicious food on the table one after another, there are Xi Shi tofu, steamed Bream, braised lobster... It's mouth-watering. Around his smiling face, toast, laughter and soul.but about beats interwoven into a harmonious symphony in the New Year, looking at the grandpa's grandmother that joy, I and sister drink with Sprite go to grandpa's grandmother side, and with one voice said: "happy New Year to grandma and grandpa, health, happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea running water, don't live as long as the southern mountain pines!" The whole family couldn't help laughing. Grandpa and grandma are more happy from ear to ear. To the deafening accompaniment of firecrackers, a rich New Year's Eve dinner ended

  As soon as dinner was over, we several children could not wait to run downstairs to set off firecrackers. Immediately, a world of fireworks surrounded us. Fireworks, colorful, the festival night sky decorated into a beautiful big garden. Some like fairy scattered flowers, clusters, groups rushed to the sky, and slowly fell down; Some like autumn chrysanthemum, Chinese rose, colorful, strange; Some like a small meteor, suddenly leap up into the sky, suddenly disappeared in the night sky...... The earth and sky suddenly like fried pot, boiling. The sound of all sorts of jubilation, like a symphony across the sky. How beautiful!

  The colorful fireworks reflected the red earth, reflected the red sky, this gorgeous color, not a symbol of our motherland's bright future?


  New Year's eve, thousands of lights, thousands of joy. Road lanterns decorated, yizhanzhan neon lights more dressed streets beaming. Families get together to watch the Spring Festival gala and have dinner together. The most interesting thing is the fireworks. As night fell, fireworks were also set off in 14 locations around the city, in solid residential areas.

  Some are like strings of pearls; Some such as a meteor; Some like a blossoming chrysanthemum; Some such as a waterfall...... Let me dazzle, dizzying. A loud sound of firecrackers, a blossoming, brilliant flame flowers, flying on the ground in the sky, shining, the sound of explosions. With this sound, this color flow, is to make the whole Lucheng district is full of joy, lively atmosphere. Look! "Drill the weather" has a long tail; "Little bees" "hum" spinning: "golden dragon" whistling in the sky; "Flash grenades; Blinding bright...

  Watching the colorful fireworks made my heart itch. So, my sister, uncle and I bought all kinds of fireworks and firecrackers, ready to be set off downstairs in my home. Just listen to "chi -" a uncle lit the fuse with a lighter, my heart tight, I covered my ears, waiting for the fireworks bloom of the moment. "Swoosh -" the flowers of the "magic bullet" from the cylinder into the sky, there are five stories high. What a riot of colour! Red, green, silver and gold. Intertwined together, such as flowers in full bloom, the fireworks rushed to the sky, floating down, like fairy scattered flowers, is really beautiful! I was so happy that I had to clap my hands, and everyone's face was covered with smiles.

  The New Year, there is new hope, in the New Year our door to fireworks brilliant opening!


  New Years eve is quite lively.Streets are all comings and goings of figure, some on his way to the market to buy some fireworks, fireworks, couplets,Some go to buy some meat dishes;And to meet the return of sons and daughters.  Our family came to the fair, finally in a sea of people crowded into a stall.Mom and dad in picking out couplet, my sister and I buy some firecrackers here.The Chinese New Year with buy all, should have to buy to eat the rest of the time.

  Turned a big circle in the supermarket and bought some meat dishes, finally and then stood in a "dragon" pay.It managed to fill their carts.

  Home is at 3 o clock, mom and dad busy make things tidy up again, put them to good taking place.Dad hurriedly go borrow ladder is more convenient in stick couplets.Mum is at home with spicy and delicious dumplings.


  On New Year's Eve, every family will paste money and Spring Festival couplets. Hanging money on the eaves, the wind blows, like a dancing red butterfly, can be good-looking. On New Year's Eve, every family cooks New Year dishes, and the smell of wine and meat is everywhere.

  You must set off firecrackers before twelve o 'clock at night. Legend has a kind of animal called years in the New Year's Eve will come down from the sky to eat people, if you set off firecrackers firecrackers split spluttering sound, will scare away years, he did not dare to eat people. So every family sets off firecrackers during the Spring Festival. After putting the gun, go home to pack dumplings, twelve family sit together to eat dinner, dinner to all the family to eat, unless really can't get back home, or must eat together.

  Having the dinner on New Year's Eve means having a happy New Year and bringing peace and harmony to the family. When the hand, minute hand and second hand point to 12 at the same time, the whole family cheers and celebrates the arrival of the New Year. After dinner parents will give children lucky money, this time the children are happy, because they can use lucky money to buy what they want. Adults also have to stay up, only very small children can sleep.

  New Year's Eve so in the laughter spent.


  In the evening, I went to the restaurant with my relatives to whip the stove, happily and enthusiastically to eat a New Year's Eve dinner.

  As soon as we arrived at the restaurant, we didn't say a few words, the order came up gradually: first countless small shells, then live shrimp, and then my favorite pig meatballs and beef meatballs... I was so dazzled that my mouth watered. All these delicious dishes were poured into the big pot one by one. They kept rolling in the pot, with hot and thick smoke rising from the top.

  I waited a long time, and the delicious dishes were finally cooked. Let's scoop them up one by one. While enjoying the delicious dishes, while chatting enthusiastically, talking about the major celebrities of our motherland, the efforts of the motherland yesterday and the glory of today, the children are listening attentively. I feel I can eat this reunion dinner is on the previous people with hard in exchange for today's prosperous and strong motherland I can enjoy such good food!

  We all eat with relish, although today has not to the Chinese New Year, but everyone's heart is in the Chinese New Year. I think, hot is not only whip stove kind of dishes, but also everyone's heart!


  The table was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes: the yellow and hot scrambled eggs, the oily red hairy crab, the red and green carrots and celery, the sweet and sour sweet spare ribs, the delicious braised pork in brown sauce... The meat was so soft and waxy, and dried bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms floated in the fragrant duck soup, making one's mouth water.

  "Dinner's ready! Mother suddenly shouted, chopsticks flying on the table, dad put a sweet and sour sparerbs in my bowl. I immediately wolfed down to eat, eat a mouth full of oil, we saw laughed.

  I lifted the cup filled with coke, beamed, said: "Dad, mom, I wish you in the year of the tiger work everywhere shun, life backgammon, good luck every day, the longer the more healthy." Mom and dad also raised their cups and said: "Daughter, I wish you good study in the New Year, day day up, learning to the next level." I came to grandma and grandpa, said with a smile: "Grandpa, grandma, I wish you happiness like the East China Sea, longevity than nanshan!" Then we wish each other, a sentence of blessing echoed in the restaurant, waves of warm flow into the heart.

  On New Year's Eve, I really enjoyed myself and enjoyed myself! If every day is big year 30, that how good ah! I know this is just my wishful thinking, after the New Year, will soon start school. I should be more full of enthusiasm into the hot study to achieve better results!

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/116305.html

