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  • 私家车问题的争论并提出我的看法 日期:2007-12-04 03:17:18 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    私家车问题的争论并提出我的看法 Directions: Some people believe that private cars should be encouraged in China. Others argue that private cars should be discouraged in China. There has been a controversy recently on the issue in a newspaper in China...

    The 问题 cars To of in 看法 提出 争论

  • 如果我是一只小鸟 日期:2007-12-03 07:29:16 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    如果我是一只小鸟-If Only I Were a Bird整理收集 如果我是一只小鸟,我就不必每天做那么多作业,也不必经常面临考试的压力。如果我是一只小鸟,我就能在天空中自由地飞翔,尽情地享受着阳光和轻风。如果我是小鸟,我会消灭所有的害虫,做人类的好朋友。 If Only I Were...

    The 如果 And were If 小鸟 bird Onl

  • 我喜欢的食物 my favorite Food) 日期:2007-12-03 00:50:36 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    I like banana very much. banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo. 2 I'm a student.I like eggs and coconut.Because eggs is very good...

    The very And To like is 食物 我喜欢

  • my sister-我的妹妹 日期:2007-12-03 00:48:20 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    My Sister-我的妹妹 范文一: My Younger Sister My younger sister is young, but she likes doing housework very much. She can cook nice food. She is not tall, but she is pretty. She is polite and helpful. She doesnt go to school. She is only seven. She...

    The my she And To in is 妹妹

  • 高考英语作文套句 日期:2007-12-03 00:26:56 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    * 英 语 作 文 中 常 用 句 套 * * 英 语 作 文 中 常 用 句 套 * 作文中常用句套: 下文中出现的 A,B, ...(某事物), sb( somebody), 要在写作中要根据上下文进行适当替换. 开头: When it comes to ..., some think ... There is a public debate today that ......

    The 高考 作文 英语 of is th such

  • 论当前旅游业的发展 日期:2007-11-29 05:17:02 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    论旅游业的发展 旅游业无烟的工业正在中国迅速发展。随着改革开放政策的贯彻执行,数以万计的,外国游人涌入中国,他们渴望看到这片拥有50舶多年灿烂文化的古. 者的神秘大地。旅游业给中国带来了大量的利润。首先,旅游业使中国人民更多地了解外面的世界,促进友谊和...

    The And To 发展 of 旅游业 当前 Touris

  • 一封感谢信 thank you 日期:2007-11-28 02:47:40 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    范文如下: Dear Minister, I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I...

    The my our your And To visit y

  • 不要撒谎-Never Tell a Lie 日期:2007-11-28 02:42:22 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    不要撒谎-Never Tell a Lie 1.撒谎的危害; 2.我的忠告。 [写作导航]第一段引入话题,指出谎言总有被揭穿的时候,警告人们不要撒谎;第二段指出撒谎的危害,可用罗列法,列出诸如:不道德、良心受谴责、不被人信任和尊重、会养成撒谎的习惯等;第三段收尾,指出要想没...

    be The are he 不要 And You To 撒谎

  • my room我的卧室 日期:2007-11-27 03:03:27 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    我的房间,我的卧室 my room MyRoom My room is big. Look! This is my room. I have got a TV and a desk. My book is on the desk, my cupboard is next to the wall. My room is beautiful. 我的房间 Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is thi...

    The my room on And ne is 卧室 TV

  • 英语作文My favorite vacation 日期:2007-11-25 11:14:02 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    英语作文My favorite vacation我最喜欢的假期 我的暑假(My Summer Vacation) This is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then, take a look at China's famous novel. Look at some day. Of course, also want to play with the computer, watch T...

    The at my but do 作文 英语 To is i
