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最后一课(The Last Class)

时间:2012-03-02来源:JooZone栏目:作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文地带题目:最后一课(The Last Class)
文章细节:作文地带 标题:最后一课(The Last Class) 发表时间:2012-03-02 15:24

  i was very late for school that morning, and i was terribly afraid of being scolded[责骂], especially as monsieur[法语:先生] hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles[分词], and i did not know the first thing about them. for a moment i thought of staying away from school and wandering about the fields. it was such a warm, lovely day. i could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood, and in the rippert field, behind the sawmill[锯木厂], the prussians going through their drill. all that was much more tempting to me than the rules concerning participles; but i had the strength to resist, and i ran as fast as i could to school.


  as i passed the mayor’s office, i saw that there were people gathered about the little board on which notices were posted. for two years all our bad news had come from that board—battles lost, conscriptions[征兵], orders from headquarters; and i thought without stopping:

  “what can it be now?”


  then, as i ran across the square, wachter the blacksmith, who stood there with his apprentice[学徒], reading the placard[布告], called out to me:

  “don’t hurry so, my boy; you’ll get to your school soon enough!”

  i thought that he was making fun of me, and i ran into monsieur hamel’s little yard all out of breath.


  usually, at the beginning of school, there was a great uproar[喧嚣] which could be heard in the street, desks opening and closing, lessons repeated aloud in unison[一致], with our ears stuffed in order to learn quicker, and the teacher’s stout ruler beating on the desk:

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