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英语写作素材Writing a Friendly Letter(3)

第1页 英语写作资料 Writing a Friendly Letter 第2页 英语写作资料 Writing a Friendly Letter (2) I often think of the horses we had and all the fun we enjoyed with them. I can almost feel the cool air as
第1页 英语写作资料 Writing a Friendly Letter
第2页 英语写作资料 Writing a Friendly Letter (2)

 I often think of the horses we had and all the fun we enjoyed with them.  I can almost feel the cool air as it rushes past me in my memory.  The horse and I are racing across the long, green fields and we are laughing together all the way.  I am reminded of how someone said God made the horse.  They said He picked up some dirt, blew it into the air, and there stood the horse.  Do you know what else I miss?  I miss having a horse.  There's something special about a horse.  I still remember how my horse, Juno, would follow me around and rub his head on my shoulder.  Sometimes I would lay on his back while he grazed in the yard.
 There are many kinds of work that we did as children, which I hated at the time, like pulling weeds, hilling potatoes, splitting wood, and fixing fence.  Now, I miss those things, and have realized too late that those are some of the best and most enjoyable kinds of work that a man can do.  I have sat in my little office at the big bank and have suddenly remembered the fragrance of fresh-cut maple, the crack of the splitting mall, the feeling of fresh, cool, soft, garden dirt, and the brilliant rays of golden sunshine piercing through the forest canopy.
 Now, I stand each day before many classes of Chinese children.  I watch their lovely faces closely.  Each one is so precious.  Each one is so unique.  And as I stand before them I realize the great responsibility that I have, because they watch me closely, too.  How I do and how I say will shape their thinking about many things; such as about myself, about America, about the world, even about God.  I sometimes shudder at the thought of it.  I want to be a careful teacher and a good ambassador, causing no disappointment in any way.
 And Dad…just one more thing.  If you go fishing, please catch one for me.

   With love from your son,


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