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时间:2010-08-15 16:07来源:求职英语 作者:作文地带 投稿收藏:收藏本文
1. Do not show a sense of self-inferiority(自卑感), for if you do not think you are worth much, no one else will. Be confident but do not boast. If you have some outstanding ability, simply state the fact and let the employer draw his own conclusions. SAMPLE

1. Do not show a sense of self-inferiority(自卑感), for if you do not think you are worth much, no one else will. Be confident but do not boast. If you have some outstanding ability, simply state the fact and let the employer draw his own conclusions.

SAMPLE1: I am in excellent health, and an told that I make an especially good appearane for a secretary. I am well trained in all the duties and responsibilities of a good secretary.

SAMPLE2: I would bring more efficiency to the job. I would bring a delightful new interest and enthusiasm -- and that, of course, means more and better work for you.

2. To present a to-the-point description. Do not enumerate irrelevant trivial things.

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