


  Time really fast, it is for one year, the winter holiday will begin school this morning. Instead of holidays, mother is always at the beginning of the holiday is asked me to make a plan for the holiday, the purpose is to I can arrange well in the holiday, can find all kinds of fun in learning, and can learn more knowledge.  First of all, I want a winter vacation homework and assigned by the teacher good learning tasks to complete earnestly, more exercise and keep healthy.  Second, I want to practice calligraphy, grow up to write a good word, to see the TV news, understand the society. I want to insist on keeping a diary, I used to write diary is to cope with the parents to check, have no content, I'm going to visit a reference books, a day after the winter break, he saw and heard during some of the thoughts it all recorded in the journal, to see the wisdom of some mother bought me a back, good composition, learn the somebody else's writing methods, improve their writing level. In Internet time into, have a look at what other people write, use the method of complement each other to learn more from others, less time to play some computer games, it will not only affect our study, but also is bad for our eyes.  Again, when go out to relatives must be polite, respect for elders. When the Chinese New Year to teachers and elders happy New Year.  Finally, I want to strengthen learning at the same time, more to help the family to do some thing in one's power.  Oh, this is my winter vacation plan.  时间过的真快,转眼又是一年了,今天上午学校开始放寒假了。与以往放假时一样,妈妈总是在假期开始是要求我自己订一个假期计划,目的是为了我能在假期中合理安排好,既能在学习中寻找到各种乐趣,又能学到更多的知识。  首先,我要把寒假作业和老师布置的学习任务认认真真地完成好,要多锻炼身体,保持身体健康。  其次,我要练习书法,长大以后能写一手好字,要多看电视新闻,了解社会。我要坚持写日记,以前我写日记都是为了应付家长的检查,一点内容也没有,以后我打算每天看一篇课外书,把寒假期间的一些所见所闻、所思所想一一地记录在日记本上,要多看一些妈妈给我买的智慧背囊、优秀作文,学习一下人家的写作方法,提高自己的写作水平。在上网时间多进入,多看看别人是怎么写的,用取长补短的方法向别人多学习一些,少玩一些电脑游戏,它不但会对我们的学习造成影响,而且还对我们的眼睛有坏处。  再次,出去走亲戚时一定要做到文明礼貌、尊敬长辈。过年时要向老师们和长辈们拜年。  最后,我要加强学习的同时,还要多帮家人做一些力所能及的事情。  这就是我的寒假计划哦。


  This year is New Year's day the day before.My mother and I go to aunt's house pack dumpling.We sat down, he can't wait to take out the dumplings skin and stuffing, happy bag up.  I was making dumplings for the first time, the mood can't describe.Now I learn to the appearance of the aunt, dumplings with a circle around the water, then the right amount of filling in the center of the dumpling skin, finally, pinch a dumpling skin, in this way, a work is done.I did a lot of dumplings, and it is various, some like a baby;Some like a curved crescent, and better laugh, knead into the shape of the bread.Look at these various dumplings, I and mother and aunt revealed a smile.  Under the dumplings, mom was cheerfully with dumplings into the cauldron.Before long, mother will carry steaming dumplings towards me, I stretched neck, also on the feet.Mother help me to fill a bowl, I can't help it sniffed, ah, how sweet!A bite and aromatic liquid flow into my mouth, I'm very delicious.Although the dumplings look not beautiful, but the taste is very good.Aunt after the busy, and we together taste.Eat their package dumplings, not only eat sweet than usual, also special warmth.  When you go to sleep at night, make dumplings yes happy scene also from time to time is kept reverberating in my mind.I remember a word: dumplings eat everything.Today I ate so much of the dumplings, I think, in the New Year I will be to the next level of learning.  今年是过年的前一天。我和妈妈一起去姑姑家包饺子。我们一坐下,便迫不及待地拿出饺皮和馅料,开心的包了起来。  我是第一次包饺子,那激动的心情简直无法形容。我学着姑姑的样子,现在饺子的四周抹上一圈水,然后适量的把馅料放入饺皮的中心,最后,将饺皮一捏,这样,一个作品就完成了。我做了很多饺子,真是各式各样,有的像一个胖娃娃;有的像个弯弯的月牙,还有的更好笑,居然捏成了烧卖的形状。看着这些千姿百态的饺子,我和妈妈还有姑姑露出了灿烂的笑容。  该下饺子了,妈妈乐呵呵地端着饺子到大锅边。过了不久,妈妈就端着热气腾腾的饺子向我走来,我伸长了脖子,还踮起了脚。妈妈帮我盛了一碗,我情不自禁的闻了闻,啊,真香!咬一口,香浓的汤汁流入了我的嘴里,真让我回味无穷。虽然饺子的样子不美,但味道很不错。姑姑忙完后,便和我们一块儿品尝起来。吃着自己包的饺子,不仅吃得比平时香,还特别的温暖。  晚上睡觉时,包饺子是的快乐情景还时不时的在我脑子里不停的回荡。我想起一句话:饺子吃了万事顺。今天我吃了这么多的饺子,我想,在新的一年里我的学习一定会更上一层楼。


  The Spring Festival, I think the most happy thing is to set off fireworks on New Year's eve.  The day before New Year's eve morning, my father and I came to China merchants field sell fireworks, bought a lot of fireworks, we're blowing away joyfully music! Night, I almost can't sleep with excitement, looking forward to in the heart: New Year's eve to come!  On New Year's eve finally came. In the evening, I and dad immediately after having my family reunion dinner with fireworks in the underground floor. Dad found a glade first, and then put the fireworks "flying rocket" gently on the ground, with lighter lit the fuse and finally listen to "sou", flying rockets into the sky, blossom a colorful spark, beautiful! When dad smiled and said to me: "stress, to put yourself!" I listened to frighten hurriedly to keep shake head to say: "I can't, I can't." "Macho man there is nothing to fear, as long as you a lit fireworks just stay away from it!" Dad said to me. Hear the word of the father, I was a little scared, "don't be afraid of, pay attention to safety! Father encouraged me to say. Hear the word of the father, I get up the courage to learn to dad's appearance with lighter lit fireworks, and then quickly hid behind the father, see the fireworks sprayed out beautiful spark, open for a while like a chrysanthemum, for a moment like a meteor, now like split of... Ah! I made it! I am pleased to jumped up, because of the success of the first, I am no longer afraid of, I also more and more brazen, suddenly put a lot of fireworks, it is very happy!  Through the fireworks in this matter, I know that "nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it" the meaning of this sentence, there is nothing difficult in the world, if we have the courage and perseverance will be successful!  春节里,我觉得最快乐的事是除夕夜放烟火。  在除夕夜的前一天早上,我和爸爸来到招商场那里卖烟花的地方,买了一大堆烟花,我们吹着欢快地乐曲满载而归了!这天夜里,我兴奋得几乎睡不着觉,心里盼望着:除夕夜快点到来!  除夕夜终于到了。晚上,我吃完团圆饭就和爸爸带着烟花兴高采烈地下楼了。爸爸先找了一块空地,接着把烟花“飞天火箭”轻轻地放在地上,最后用打火机点燃了引线,只听“嗖”地一声,飞天火箭冲向了天空,绽放出五颜六色的火花,真美!这时爸爸笑着对我说:“力力,你自己来放吧!”我听了吓得连忙直摇头说:“我不敢,我不敢。”“男子汉大丈夫没什么可害怕的,只要你一点燃烟花离它远一点就行!”爸爸对我说。听了爸爸的话,我还是有点胆战心惊,“不要害怕,注意安全!”爸爸鼓励我说。听了爸爸的话,我鼓足了勇气学着爸爸的样子用打火机点燃了烟花,然后飞快地躲到了爸爸的身后,只见烟花喷 射出美丽的火花,一会儿像菊花开放,一会儿像流星,一会儿又像天女散花……啊!我成功了!我高兴地跳了起来,因为有了第一次的成功,我不再害怕,胆子也越来越大,一下子放了许多的烟花,真是太高兴了!  通过放烟花这件事,使我知道“世上无难事,只怕有心人”这句话的意思了,世界上没有什么难事,只要有勇气和恒心就一定会成功!


  Really happy winter vacation this year. Father, mother and the teacher asked me to make up a missed lesson, arranged by my own study time, I finished early winter vacation homework, happy holidays.  Winter vacation every year for the holidays, I like the Chinese New Year, because can wear new clothes, eat good, still can put the fireworks firecracker, watching the Spring Festival gala, guessing riddles, happy to play games. And waiting for their relatives and friends lucky money envelopes. After ten o 'clock, exciting moment arrived, first of all, my grandfather gave me 200 yuan red envelopes, the friends and relatives then gradually gave me a red envelope for a total of two thousand yuan. After twelve o 'clock, we began to fireworks, firecrackers, shut down after it finished.  The next day is the first day, I am high happy period with mom and dad to go to the street, take money to buy a remote control car, the color of the dark, I couldn't put it down. After a full charge, then simply on the square and playing with it, as long as you turn on the switch, remote control command, the car ran up. Compared to other people's car up my car is always at the top, won your crown.  Winter vacation life is very short, but I was very happy, because I have a car company, another New Year's day, I become one year older again, this year's winter vacation is very happy for me.  今年寒假真快乐。爸爸、妈妈和老师都没有要求我补课,由我自己安排学习时间,我早早写完寒假作业,开开心心过大年。  每年寒假都逢着过大年,我最喜欢过年,因为能穿新衣服、吃好的、还能放烟花鸣爆竹、看春节联欢晚会、猜谜语、玩游戏快快乐乐。并且等待着亲朋好友发放压岁钱红包。十点过后,激动人心的时刻到了,首先外公给我200元红包,后来亲朋好友又陆陆续续给了我红包共计有二千多元。十二点过后,我们开始放烟花,鸣鞭炮,放完后便关门大吉。  第二天是正月初一,我高高兴兴和爸爸妈妈一起去逛大街,拿着压岁钱买了一辆摇控汽车,漆黑的颜色,我爱不释手。充满电后,便在广场上痛痛快快地玩了起来,只要打开开关,摇控器一指挥,车子就飞快地跑起来。和别人的车相比起来我的车总是名列前茅,勇夺贵冠。  寒假生活十分短暂,我却非常开心,因为我有小汽车的陪伴。又过了一个新年,我又长大了一岁,今年的寒假对我来说是最快乐的。


  Today is December 24, is a traditional day to sweep the dust. Home for cleaning, of course, for me, I will act with my father and mother, and do a lot of work.

  Most of the work is done before, today the most main is to rub the lamp. I help my father moved to the ladder, the ladder is quite heavy, still stand in the corner, I had a lot of strength to move it out, this want to stand up to wipe, tried out of reach, is still a little afraid. The results or father above dusted off, pick the chimney, I then below. By cleaning cloth, then pass them to my father.

  Chimney is so dirty! I take a dishcloth scraping on the lamp shade, the original one in the chimney of mud, a new shine bright again. I think the restaurant is the lamp of cleaned the best. Originally, the lamp that Turkish above all sludge, every time I turn on the light, feel very dark. But, I use the brush after 'Mr Wham, immediately changed the same original dirty chimney, open lamp immediately feel light for a few minutes.

  In the process of rub the lamp, I sail conveniently clean the sink, white, can cleanly reflected my smiling face.

  Finally, I also help my mother wiped the line that play a base, because mom backache these days, can't bend over. Mother told me to wear kick the facade and the stare blankly. When wiping the balcony the line that play a base, I wipe down a heap of broken, plaster, stone grain, and dust maomao, earning little place at ordinary times, think that would be so dirty. It's not easy work. 

 Although today is very tired, but in front of the home bright light shines bright, clean the sink and clean the line that play a base, I am very happy, feel a sense of accomplishment! Mom and dad also kua I'm very capable!



  灯罩可真脏啊!我拿着抹布对着灯罩刮来刮去,将原来一摸一手泥的灯罩,擦得崭新透亮。我自认餐厅的灯擦得最 好了。原来,这盏土耳其语上面全是污泥,每次开灯,都觉得很暗。但是,在我用了威猛先生擦过之后,原来脏兮兮的灯罩立马变了一个样,开开灯马上就觉得亮了几分。  在擦灯的过程中,我还见缝插针地顺便清洁了一下洗手池,白白的,干净地能映出我的笑脸了。





  Today is the first day of the holiday. I don't want to go to Songshan Lake to play or find a classmate's game. I have my own plan: to find a job and earn my own money in this free time!


  I'm targeting dad's hotel. After "negotiation" with Dad, we signed an employment contract - to be a "waiter" in dad's Hotel, with a monthly salary of 300 yuan. Although the salary is not high, it's a good thing to count at one stroke - not only to exercise their labor ability, but also to earn wages, but also to accumulate experience. I can't help thinking of such a beautiful job!


  As soon as I went to work, I had the first group of guests. "Uncle, please order." I listened to my father's request - remember the menu first. "Hangzhou pepper." An uncle said. Just in the middle of the story, another uncle said, "another braised fish in brown sauce." "What?" the uncle said again. I still didn't catch the menu because I was not familiar with it. 

At this time, my father grabbed the menu, wrote down the name of the dish quickly, and compensated the customer for me. After ordering, dad said, "would you like to serve?" what's the difficulty? It's not a piece of cake. I picked up two dishes and ran upstairs. I didn't pay attention to the water on the ground. With a sound of "Tong", I slipped and fell to the ground.

 The dishes were broken and the two dishes were scattered all over the ground. Dad came to see me and said, "it's OK. If you delay the guests' meal due to your mistake, 45 yuan will be deducted. " Ah! I'm surprised to deduct so much money! 

You must be careful and remember! Remember!



  In winter vacation, sometimes I will go to grandma's house. This winter vacation, I also go to grandma's house for the new year as usual.


  In the evening of the Lunar New Year's Eve, after dinner, it's time for our children to have fun. This year, it's still the same. I went to the nearby cottage early to get fireworks. First, I picked up a firework stick and lit it. Then, the head of the fireworks rose to the sky. In an instant, the firework Lane in it flew like a dragon. There were rainbows flowing in the sky. After those fireworks were released, they became one after another in the sky Flowers, the sky in the blink of an eye became a garden of flowers.


  When my brother saw that I was playing happily, he couldn't help but ask for one from my grandparents. As a result, it's not good. It scared many people to death. When my brother lit the fireworks, he loosened his hand carelessly, and the fireworks flew out of his hand. Everyone was surprised to see that the fireworks were running around in the yard. Everyone rushed home and closed the door, but it didn't work out I closed my uncle's door carefully. After a while, the door opened. Everyone saw my uncle watching the scene of fireworks scurrying because he couldn't get in. Fortunately, it's fireworks played by our children. The firepower is not big or it will suffer. After the fireworks are out, everyone laughs again, and then continues to eat, chat and chat. We are still happy to put my fireworks.


  Happy winter holiday has been over in a flash, the new semester is coming again, does this winter holiday I have a harvest! I will share with you.

  29 to the second day, we went to my hometown - in Lin, at home, I learned to make dumplings, rolling piece, stick couplets on the Spring Festival, and so on, the first we boarded the baiyun mountain and I learned as long as perseverance can victory.  Fifth, we went to the town, in Angle mountain ski resort, I felt the ski team is not easy. In the mountain, I wanna know the town is a great film base, the famous actor Guo Da once acted in movies here.

  Say that finish, we will come to about the finish of the winter vacation plan.

  First of all, I want to read every day, this I think is not very good, because every day I only occasionally read one or two; Then the mathematical winter vacation homework, I think this do not bad, because these assignments I basic can be completed on schedule. Then is to play the piano, three days before the plan, I can't complete, since learned a new song, I can almost guarantee every morning after getting up is to play a 20 minutes, until the evening to play a few times after the meal; Every day a little diary, a few days ago also performs well, but over the years, is sometimes don't write; Help father mother do housework every day, the only Chinese New Year when dry, and the rest of the time is not done. Every day to read people's blog, this can also, I think do calligraphy this needless to say, because I practice every day.

  Ok, end of story, I wish you all the new semester a good study, day day up.


  二十九至初二,我们去了我的老家——林州,在老家,我学会了包饺子、擀片、贴春联等等,初一我们登上了白云山,我学会了只要坚持不懈就能胜利。  初五,我们去了万仙山,在万仙山滑雪场,我感受到了滑雪队员的不容易。在上山的时候,我知道了万仙山是一个很大的影视基地,演员郭达等曾经在这里演过电影。





  Very not easy to get time on holiday, but winter vacation has three characteristics, it is cold, the winter vacation is put across the "snow". Alas! Who let one of the "winter" word "cold", this is the cold words, even sleep over me "winter vacation homework suddenly turn hostile" doesn't change.

  Now I will introduce the three characteristics for you!

  Characteristic one: the cold. The wind blow, with young trees blown jump "disco"; Blow the clothes jump "waltz"; Blown people trembling; Blown me, to lie on the bed. The cold ah, is really indescribable, family or long frostbite, or sleeping, a lazy, who let the weather so cold?  Feature 2: the rain. Outside the rain tick underground, how do I say it is! Adults were not, because their clothes are not stem, also can't go out to work. Celebrate the children's favorite, firecrackers, also cannot put, that's one of the biggest regret, this is the rain, the ground slippery slightly do not pay attention to is wrestling. This unlucky when can the rain stop?

  Three characteristics: the snow. Freeze, you spend a lot. The snow flying went to hunan, fly fly fly to shandong, say "the freezing of the road, roof snow". Not only are these areas, like our capital, Beijing, North-East, hubei and other regions, are covered with snow and ice. Snow, and the world turn white, very spectacular! This is the last winter vacation characteristics, is also a biggest characteristics of the winter vacation.

  I hope from today after a storm comes a calm, ice and snow melt, let me happy every day!








  An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time. , how time flies, the blink of an eye a semester has in the past, and came to the winter vacation. In this rare winter holiday, I plan in accordance with the "three plus one" plan to do four things seriously. 

 A lot of reading. Read volumes, such as writing. Good project is inseparable from a lot of reading. For this semester, I feel my knowledge is not enough rich, I plan to use winter vacation time, through a lot of reading "recharge" for himself. I plan to read several Chinese classics, such as the "water margin", "journey to the west", etc. Although these classics is thick, I want to try to bite the bullet and read, draw version of it is best to read, learn about the basic content of classics. I also plan to use my subs-cription to the practical digest well, to get the good article to be read. His knowledge through reading and vocabulary more rich, more broad vision.  Actively writing. 

Teachers and parents often said to me, if you want to write a composition, not light reading, good light copying words we also not line, only a lot of "actual combat", to get more experience. So, I want to use winter vacation time to write some articles, write a diary, in the words of my father is to business with my school mail tunnels blog, blog postings number increases.

  Appropriate entertainment. I think we should pay attention to the mix, primary school homework is not enough light, should be appropriate to relax and watch TV, surf the Internet to chat with friends, to ensure that every day out for more than an hour exercise and activity.  This is three things I think should be done, finally, that is to finish the homework carefully. This of course I dare not to forget, must be reasonable arrangement of time, to finish the teacher winter vacation homework ahead of time.

  How, my plan is good!



  积极写作。老师和家长经常对我说,要想写好作文,光阅读不行,光抄写好字好句也不行,只有大量地进行“实战”,才能获得更多经验。因此,我想利用寒假时间多写一些文章,写好日记,用爸爸的话说就是要经营打理一下我的校信通博客,让博文数量增上来。  适当娱乐。我觉得我们小学生应该注意劳逸结合,光写作业是不行的,应该适当给自己放松一下,看看电视,上网和朋友聊聊天,每天要保证外出锻炼和活动一个小时以上。



本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/riji/62051.html

