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I need a rich men too——我也需一个有钱男人

时间:2010-08-07来源:英语学习网络整理栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking in the PR class I teach. "Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting. To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer, saying,

  We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking in the PR class I teach. "Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting. To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer, saying, "I need a man with coins in his pocket." What I got was a girl yelling out, "Honey, so do I!"

  在我的公共关系课堂上,我们正在讨论在公共场合“不应该做的事情”。“不应该做的事情”包括,男士讲话的时候不要把手伸到裤兜里玩硬币,这种行为让人看着心烦。  为了描述我的观点,我要求一名学生自告奋勇来协助演示,说道,“我需要一位兜里有硬币的男士”(同:我需要一名有钱的男人),我得到的回应来自一名女孩,她大声喊道,“亲爱的,我也一样”。

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