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时间:2010-09-03来源:新东方雅思作文模板栏目:雅思英语作文作者:雅思作文模板 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
这里的重点是 clear和effective。考官的这篇文章思路是如何做到既想得明白又交代得清楚的?其实很简单。文章所有的句子可以分为两类,一类是别人的观点,一类是自己的观点。要知道,这一项评分标准中的position是指

这里的重点是 "clear"和"effective"。考官的这篇文章思路是如何做到既想得明白又交代得清楚的?其实很简单。文章所有的句子可以分为两类,一类是别人的观点,一类是自己的观点。要知道,这一项评分标准中的position是指的自己的中心观点。所以把后一类把握清楚就可以了。作者的观点在原文中保持一致,第一,强调天赋的是先天的:I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes;第二,强调天赋和训练都重要But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive;最后得到自己的结论,所有的孩子都可以接受训练,但是成就往往还需要一点天赋:any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required。这一二三点的一致性和层层递进是极其严密的逻辑。关键是,这三句话达到了在这层层递进中体现了一致性的效果,语言非常高效。实在是难得的范文。

第二项评分标准是Coherence and Cohesion,它具体包括两个部分:

1) how well the information and ideas are organised and presented, including paragraphing

2) how well the information is linked


第三项评分标准是Lexical Resource,它具体包括三个部分:

1) the range of vocabulary used

2) how accurately it is used

3) how appropriate it is for the task

小词:Obviously, However, including, allow, via, while, do, give, extra, as

大词:frequent, differentiate, inherit, facility, comparable, exceptional, continuous

词组:are based on, associated with, plenty of, be inherited via, mutually exclusive

地道表达:The relative importance, this extra talent, allow them to excel, nature versus nurture

同义转述:children, a child, a person, individuals, students, any childjoozone.com
