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时间:2010-06-02 09:41来源:作文地带 作者:英语作文 投稿收藏:收藏本文

Joozone Note: 模板真是把双刃剑啊,用得好的话可以为作文增色加分,但更多的情况是许多人为了模板而使用模板,而没有意识到由此而导致的文风不搭很可能让自己的作文在考官眼里大打折扣,得不偿失。所以,要想真正提高自己的写作水平(不管是平时写作还是应试写作),关键还是要脚踏实地,把基础打牢。腹有诗书气自华,有了完善的文法和深刻的想法,不用什么万能范文或花哨的模板相信也能写出一篇好作文来。因为,情之所至、兴之所来的东西总比那些干瘪、机械的模板来的感人、服人。



Some people think that good health is the basic needs of every human and it is not right for the medical care services to be run by profit-making companies. Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh its advantages?

In contemporary society, private health care is winning increasing popularity. In the meantime, however, whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked much debate. Some people hold that this practice is unwarranted, while others take the opposite attitude. Personally, I am more inclined to the latter view.

It goes without saying that private health care boasts many advantages. For one thing, most of such institutions are very small in their scales, thereby enhancing the treatment efficiency. Specifically, when the patients, or rather the clients come to have themselves examined and treated, it would not take them as much time as they do in large, public-owned hospitals, since they need not bother to queue up to register, or fumble upstairs and downstairs in search of the department where they will be treated. Furthermore, private health care institutions are generally more considerate of their clients’ need, so that more customised service can be provided. A case in point is that recent years are seeing the booming of such institutions, especially cosmetics hospitals. From Joozone.com.

Admittedly, private health care is not void of its downsides, the radical reason for which is that it is profit-driven in every sense. Apparently, the service provided by private health care institutions does not spread to those who cannot afford the medical fees. What’s more, such care frequently centres in domains that are easily lucrative rather than the other way round, such as dentistry, cosmetics, and cardiovascular etc. For all these shortcomings, most governments are taking stringent measures to regulate these private institutions. For instance, in China, a doctor must be  licenced before working in a privately-run hospital.

To sum up, I would concede that private health care do have adverse effects, though the benefits it generates far outweigh its negative impacts. Overall, I am convinced that the meantime private health care institutions are encouraged to prosper, the governments should also concentrate on improving public medical care system so as to meet the need of most citizens.

Joozone Note: 模板真是把双刃剑啊,用得好的话可以为作文增色加分,但更多的情况是许多人为了模板而使用模板,而没有意识到由此而导致的文风不搭很可能让自己的作文在考官眼里大打折扣,得不偿失。所以,要想真正提高自己的写作水平(不管是平时写作还是应试写作),关键还是要脚踏实地,把基础打牢。腹有诗书气自华,有了完善的文法和深刻的想法,不用什么万能范文或花哨的模板相信也能写出一篇好作文来。因为,情之所至、兴之所来的东西总比那些干瘪、机械的模板来的感人、服人。作文地带-英语作文网 (建议:英语作文)
