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时间:2010-05-12 00:19来源:英语作文网 作者:作文地带 投稿收藏:收藏本文


There is an old English proverb which says, “ Honesty is the best policy. ” I think, honesty is more than a policy. It is a form of honour. An honorable man can be trusted with any amount of money or other valuable things. From JOOZONE.COM.

Cheating at any time is a sneaking thing to do. When you feel inclined to cheat in order to win a game, or feel very distressed when a game in which you are playing is going against you, just say to yourself, “ It is only a game. One can't always win, though I will stick to it in case of a chance coming. ” If you keep your mind in this way, you will very often find that you win after all from not being over-anxious or despairing.

And don't forget, whenever you do lose a game, take the defeat calmly and bravely. If you are a true sportsman, you will at once cheer the winning team or shake hands with and congratulate the fellow who has beaten you. If you have the ambition to win, be honest and strive to succeed. Dishonest means will not help you, and on the contrary will lead you to great difficulties.







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