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时间:2011-09-29来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文


  holistic 全面的,从整体着眼的

  virtually almost

  virtual in fact

  mucus 粘液

  by virtue of 由于

  shrank 缩小,shrink 的过分

  pool 集中备用的工人、钱或物资

  syntax 句法,句子构造

  grid grating铁栅、格子、电网

  plume 1,to provide or deck with feather;2,to indulge in one's pride

  counterpoint music in which one melody is accompanied by one or more other

  melodies all woven into a harmonious whole 和音

  metalloid 准金属,半导体

  assume 呈现出,产生,担任do not assume a crystalline structure

  undertone 含义,意味,弦外之音,hidden meaning of feeling;2,low voice

  interdisciplinary 学科间的,跨学科的,交叉学科的

  momentous 重要的,重大的

  retouch 修补照片或图画,润饰

  abandon n,纵欲,a thorough yielding to natual impulse

  peptide chain 肽链

  personable pleasant in person, attractive

  lurid 炫丽的,耀眼的,可怕的 sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible

  deploy 1,部署,调度;2,施展,调动,利用 op. concentrate

  vaudeville 轻音乐戏剧

  quaver voice:quaver::hand:tremble,发颤音

  broom 扫帚

  byzantine op.straightforword

  kit 工具 skit 讽刺文,小戏剧

  crutch 拐杖,支撑;v.支撑

  couch 表达,表示

  sperm 精子

  upwards adv.more than

  drag 1.pull, haul,2. Protract

  innerdirected directed by thoughts and action by one's own scale of values

  snap 咬

  endocrine 内分泌

  class-ridden 阶级分化的

  ridden 1,harassed,oppressed,or obsessed by

  2, excessively full of or supplied with

  cavalier disdainful,haughty

  if even though纵然,即使, ex, it is nice, if expensive

  physiology a branch of biology dealing with the functions of living matter and orgnisism

  equilizer 均衡因素

  anaerobic 无氧的

  craven op. Valorous

  dispose dispose of:to get rid of; to deal with conclusively

  tract 1,短文,小册子,传单;2,一大片土地,地带;3,(消化等)系统 、道

  unjustfiablily 不同于justice公正,不能证实地

  fascism 法西斯主义

  bearing 1,举止,行为;way of behaving2,关联,关系,connection,relevence

  retinal 视网膜的

  slain slay slew slain,杀戮

  matrilineal 母系的

  status quo 现状ex, myths about amazon were used as the arguments for the man-dominated status quo

  bias v.使有偏见

  rung 阶梯,梯子的横条

  sorority a club of girls or women esp. in a college

  hostess 女主人

  trailblazer 开路先锋

  assume 开始采用和进行、2,呈现

  pretext 借口,托词

  propound 提出(想法等)

  notion idea,opinion

  disclose 揭示出,透露

  verge 1,n,边;2,v,接近,濒临于

  pit against 使-与-竞争,以-与-抗衡

  levelheaded 客观冷静的
