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时间:2011-09-29来源:作文地带整理栏目:Essay作者:网络资源 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
(A) The larger the group of animals, the higher the probability that individuals in the interior of the group will exhibit vigilant behavior. (B) Vigilant behavior exhibited by individuals in small g

  (A) The larger the group of animals, the higher the probability that individuals in the interior of the group will exhibit vigilant behavior.

  (B) Vigilant behavior exhibited by individuals in small groups is more effective at warding off predators than the same behavior exhibited by individuals in larger groups.

  (C) Vigilant behavior is easier to analyze in species that are preyed upon by many different predators than in species that are preyed upon by relatively few of them.

  (D) The term "vigilant," when used in reference to the behavior of animals, does not refer exclusively to behavior aimed at avoiding predators.

  (E) he term "vigilant, " when used in reference to the behavior of animals, usually refers to behavior exhibited by large groups of animals.

  20.The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertions?

  (A) The avoidance of predators is more important toan animal's survival than is the quest for food.

  (B) Vigilant behavior aimed at predators is seldom more beneficial to groups of animals than toindividual animals.

  (C) Different species of animals often develop different strategies for dealing with predators.

