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英语四级作文范文:Dependence on Internet

时间:2011-03-30来源:作文地带整理栏目:Essay作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
英语四级作文:Dependence on Internet 1. 人们对网络的依赖性越来越强(甚至连小学生做作业都会上网去搜索答案) 2. 出现这种现象的原因和后果 3. 为了改变这种情况,我认为…… 【范文】

  英语四级作文:Dependence on Internet

  1. 人们对网络的依赖性越来越强(甚至连小学生做作业都会上网去搜索答案)

  2. 出现这种现象的原因和后果

  3. 为了改变这种情况,我认为……


  Internet has penetrated into all aspects of our life and work. On the Internet, we can do anything anywhere anytime, hunting jobs, chatting with friends, shopping online, and so on. What strikes us most is some students, even in primary schools, search for answers on Internet while doing their homework.

  The motives for dependence on Internet are various and complicated, including releasing dissatisfaction and anger against society by playing computer games, fulfilling self-value by indulging in the virtual world. Most of them are related with their environment of growing up. Without appropriate guidance, it may cause serious mental illnesses and bad habits such as laziness.

  In order to change the situation, governments should take measures to enrich people’s life, parents should share more time with children for understanding them better, and teachers should aim to develop students’ self-discipline. Most importantly, people should be aware of the harmfulness of depending on Internet too much.


  本题属于提纲式文字命题。文章第一段指出现象 “网络已经渗透到生活的点点滴滴,导致人们习惯于依赖网络”;第二段分析了依赖网络的动机----通过玩游戏发泄不满和怨恨情绪,在虚拟世界中实现自我价值,同时也指出其危害---导致严重的心理疾病及不良恶习。最后一段从政府、家长、老师的不同角度提出解决意见。

  第二段中releasing dissatisfactory and anger 表示“发泄不满和怨恨”;indulging in the virtual world表示“沉迷于虚拟世界”;第三段中be aware of表示“意识到”。

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