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机会面前人人平等everyone born to be equal

机会面前人人平等,我始终相信人人生而平等,我们不应该对生活有太多的抱怨,因为你如果多一点奋斗,就会多一分机会,多一分公平。The Opportunities is equal for All,believe me ,my friend.下面是机会面前人人平等英语作文全文: Every one is borned to be equal.I always think that we are fair

机会面前人人平等,我始终相信人人生而平等,我们不应该对生活有太多的抱怨,因为你如果多一点奋斗,就会多一分机会,多一分公平。The Opportunities is equal for All,believe me ,my friend.下面是机会面前人人平等英语作文全文:

Every one is borned to be equal.I always think that we are fair in this world,never complain that life is unfair to you.

Americans are strong believers in the idea of equal opportunities for all. They never complain about life or about god.They always fight for their dream future.Their  idea about opportunities is only meaningful because the United States actually affords people great economic opportunities.  Indeed, America's promise as the "Land of the Free" has less to do with democratic freedom and more to do with the opportunities to realize the American dream.  If people have no real chance of realizing their dreams, then the fact that they have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams would be pointless  It's like saying a poor person is as free as a rich person to buy the education or house or car he can afford.

Never comlain,my friend,just try your best and you will surely get what you want!

When the United States was born, it had immense resources and few people competing for them, so there were real opportunities for hard work and a little luck to pay off.

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