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随着神州飞船登天成功,越来越多的朋友对于太空相关的知识好奇起来了,今天这篇文章是关于太空服介绍的: Look!There are many people flying in the sky.They are very happy.Why can they fly?Please don't feel surprised.Look at them carefully.They all wear a new kind of clothes called Tai


Look!There are many people flying in the sky.They are very happy.Why can they fly?Please don't feel surprised.Look at them carefully.They all wear a new kind of clothes called "Tai Kong Fu".That is a new product of the 21 century.They have many functions.When people wear them,they can fly like  a plane.They can control temperature by themselves.In summer ,people in them don't feel too hot.And in winter they don't feel too cold.Do you know?"tai kong fu" can also help fat people lose weight,and make them not worry about their health any more.When people wear them,they can fly to all over the world freely and see the beautiful mountains and rivers.How wonderful "Tai Kong Fu" is .But I'm sorry to tell you.This is only my good dream.

If we want to realize the good dream.Now we must study hard and make the dram come true early .Let's work hard for them together!

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