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时间:2010-03-05来源:英语作文网栏目:初中英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
初中生英语日记三篇 (一)今天我在看书时,看到一条新闻,让我十分震惊。它简单的说了一下:现在有人利用抽取熊胆来制作牙膏。看完后,我十分震惊,于是,我又在百度里输入活体取胆四个字,一大堆揭露残忍黑熊活体抽胆汁帖子就涌现在我的眼前,网易、天涯很多的论坛都

(1) Today, I was reading, I saw a news, I was shocked. It simply said this: bear bile extraction is now being used to produce toothpaste. After reading, I am very shocked, so, I was in Baidu Type "living bile," two words a lot of living to expose cruel bear bile extraction post on the emerging before my eyes, Netease, a lot of forums have posted Tianya , and those bloody images, it is the description of shivering were stunned me, this world there is such a thing. At this point, I hope we can protect our animal friends! Joozone_com

(B) of the New Year soon, and the preparations for stocking Dajiadoumang, of course, our home were not idle. My grandmother went Carrefour sports center next to large purchases, Mom and Dad ready to dinner. Sports center people are doing it, inside the variety of foods. Within a short work, my hands are big bags of food, but my grandmother is still there, the mad rush to buy. When we have to take no less than what a hand, she dispelled the idea of buying things, and so we take the bus home. Today, the big harvest can be Zhengou Oh!


(C) Tomorrow Danian Ye, she looks forward to years more and more concentrated flavor, and I was my mother got me to go Carrefour purchases. Supermarket can be really packed ah, we all crazy buying an affordable things. Turning turning, and we go to the garment district, one of my eyes saw the clothes release luster, so I immediately plunged into the sea of clothing. For a while, I lock the target, a long pink cotton jacket, a test kinda fit, and my mother also liked it, bought for me. Today is a major gain, not only bought many delicious, and also bought a new clothes, good happy ah!
