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月球之旅英语作文,月球旅行英语作文,Journey to the moon

Journey to the moon
I am going to the moon to bring things back to earth and when I am at earth I would get a telescope and look at the moon. Then I would go up to the sky and to the moon and go to work. I would put an American flag up on the moon. I would look for creatures and take pictures of them but when I am up moon to the and I would look for creatures and take pictures of them and I would go to earth and go to the store and pictures them out and I will go back and take more.

Journey to the moon
Once upon a time I went to N.A.S.A. It was cool. I went Inside the eagle I felt like I went to the moon. I saw the Stars, I saw the earth looks like and I saw the Universe.

It was Universe spectacular!. When I come back from 3 Days, I brought E.T. the alien. But next time I will bring Back stuff for you. I met all the 3 astronauts it was weird Cool. It was so cool! The whole reason of me going there was so I would learn about the moon, and so I did.
*Joozone Note The End*

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