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C. Watson learned something from David and won the silver cup. D. Watson would never forget the name of the boy. 【答案与解析】 这是一篇读后让人惊叹不已的故事。象棋大师Watson在旅馆时遇到了一个孩子。

  C. Watson learned something from David and won the silver cup.
  D. Watson would never forget the name of the boy.

  这是一篇读后让人惊叹不已的故事。象棋大师Watson在旅馆时遇到了一个孩子。孩子的母亲请求Watson与儿子下一盘棋。Watson很不情愿地答应了。然而下棋过程中,那个孩子漫不经心地,还不时地跑出去和姐姐打网球。让Watson考虑之后再叫他。Watson后来处于僵局,最终也未能挽回。一个年仅十岁的孩子在二十八分钟里就胜了他。他非常佩服。后来,Watson用这个孩子的棋路获得了一个银杯。作者最后的"I had a chance to use his game today, and it won this cup for me. To him, of course, it is only one of a hundred, or perhaps a thousand, winning games."这句话可以让人体会到Watson的心情,发人深思。
  1.D 本题需综合考虑下文所回忆的那局输掉的棋方找到答案。
  2.C 由作者在"I wasn’t too happy. A player likes the opponent to play as well as he does."一句中所流露出的感情以及"But it was holiday time and I agreed to play."等句子的暗示可判断作者根本没有把这个小孩子放在眼中。不难得出正确的答案。
  3.D 那小男孩即便是在"a quick move, then tennis, back to the board, then back to his sister."这种情况下还是赢得了这局棋。这说明他的水平是明显高于对方的。
  4.A 本题难度稍大,但根据作者所表达的情感及"I had a chance to use his game today, and it won this cup for me."一句可知A是最佳答案。
  5.B 由"I was beaten.... He was the winner--- in twenty-eight minutes."等句子,可明显看出B是错误的。

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