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时间:2010-04-15来源:英语作文网栏目:海外文化作者:网友供稿 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Juliet: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. (Act Two, Scene II) She loved Romeo and devoted all her heart into love

Juliet: My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
     My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
     The more I have, for both are infinite. (Act Two, Scene II)
She loved Romeo and devoted all her heart into love.
Juliet: go ask his name. —If he be married,
     My grave is like to be my wedding bed. (Act One, Scene V)[10][P30]
In her secret rendezvous with Romeo, in dealing with her parents’ forcing of her marriage to Paris, she showed extraordinary intelligence. She put forward every plea she could think of to stop or delay the projected marriage. She pleaded that she knew too little of the proposed husband, that she was too young for marriage, that it was still too soon after the death of Tybalt. When she failed to persuade her parents to delay the wedding, she took Priest Laurence’s advice and drank the phial bravely[11][P100]. Here Juliet’s brave character was shown through what she said and did.
She was a complete rebel of the feudalism society. She was bold enough to seek love in defiance of the enmity of the two families. After the first sight of Romeo, she knew he was the only son of her father’s great enemy. But she was still determined to love him and made appointment for their tryst. Then she decided to arrange for marriage and lay all her fortunes at Romeo’s foot and follow her husband throughout the world. When she found that her lover had died, she killed herself to show her loyalty to Romeo and the tenacity to pursue happy life. She would rather die than marry Paris, whom she did not love at all. The enthusiastic love encouraged her to throw away all the shyness and said directly to her lover: “Please tell me where you go, I will dedicate myself to you, and go with you to any place.”[12][P42] Both Romeo and Juliet went ahead without any hesitation. They just followed their natural instinct, never accommodated themselves to the feudal ethics. They vividly displayed the humanist spirit of the English Renaissance.
3.2 The characterization in The Butterfly Lover
Compared with Romeo and Juliet, Zhu and Liang were not complete rebels of feudalism[13][P39]. They were only the typical examples of literary figures against the feudalism. Liang was so gentle and weak that he did not take any positive actions to protect their love. When he knew that Zhu would get marry with Ma Wencai, he accepted the fact, instead of taking some measures. He was not so brave to resist or elope with Zhu. He just showed his love sickness lonely, and died for his love in the end[14][P42]. From Joozone.com.
By contrast, Zhu was more positive, in spite of the fact that she did not defeat the feudalism. But she tried and did make some decisions by herself. Her disguising up as a man was actually a revolt against the social bias. Later her determination to die for love with Liang deserved greater honor. She pretended to agree to the arranged marriage but on condition that the wedding procession must bypass her lover's graveyard. They were coming along when she all of a sudden jumped out of the bridal sedan and rushed to Liang's tomb, where she bitterly condemned the feudal ideology that had thwarted their love.英语作文